📘 قراءة كتاب English Language and Applied Linguistics Textbooks أونلاين


هذا القسم يحتوي علي مصادر خاصة بعلم الأصوات.
هو فرعٌ من فروع اللسانيات "أي علم اللغة"، وهذا الفرعُ يعنى بتطبيق النظريات اللغوية ومعالجة المشكلات المتعلقة باكتساب اللغة الأولى والثانية وتعليمها. كما يعنى هذا الحقل بالتحليل التقابلي بين اللغات للاستفادة منه في تحسين ظروف تعلم اللغات وتدريسها. تأثر هذا الحقل من اللسانيات بنظريات العالم اللغوي الأمريكي المعروف "ناعوم تشومسكي"، وخاصة نظرية النحو الكلي "Universal Grammar" والتي تفسر قدرة الإنسان على اكتساب أي لغة بشرية بغض النظر عن عرقه أو لونه أو معتقده أو ديانته، ومن ثم محاولة توظيف هذه النظرية في سبيل الوصول إلى فهم أكثر لعملية الاكتساب اللغوي. ويعد عقد التسعينيات من القرن العشرين هو عقد ازدهار حقل اللسانيات التطبيقية، حيث أصبح بعض الشيء حقلاً مستقلاً عن اللسانيات النظرية "Theoretical Linguistics" وأصبحت العديد من الجامعات تقدم برامج للدراسات العليا المتخصصة باللسانيات التطبيقية كما أصبح هناك العديد من المراكز والمنظمات التي تعنى بهذا الحقل كالجمعية الأمريكية للسانيات التطبيقية، ومركز اللسانيات التطبيقية بالولايات المتحدة وغيرها من المنظمات بأمريكا والمملكة المتحدة.
حقل اللسانيات التطبيقية يتقاطع مع فروع أخرى للمعرفة ومن هذه الفروع بالإضافة إلى اللسانيات، هناك علم الإنسان "Anthropology" وعلم النفس "Psychology" والتربية والتعليم "Education" وكذلك علم الإدراك "The Cognitive Science" ويحاول توظيف كل ما تنتجه فروع المعرفة هذه لصالح تعلم اللغات واكتسابها بين البشر.
Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field which identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, psychology, communication research, anthropology, and sociology.
1 Domain
2 Journals
3 History
4 Associations
4.1 Australia
4.2 Canada
4.3 Ireland
4.4 Japan
4.5 New Zealand
4.6 South Africa
4.7 United Kingdom
4.8 United States
Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field. Major branches of applied linguistics include bilingualism and multilingualism, conversation analysis, contrastive linguistics, sign linguistics, language assessment, literacies, discourse analysis, language pedagogy, second language acquisition, language planning and policy, interlinguistics, stylistics, language teacher education, pragmatics, forensic linguistics and translation.
Major journals of the field include Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Review of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, European Journal of Applied Linguistics, Issues in Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, Language and Education, TESOL Quarterly, and Linguistics and Education.
The tradition of applied linguistics established itself in part as a response to the narrowing of focus in linguistics with the advent in the late 1950s of generative linguistics, and has always maintained a socially-accountable role, demonstrated by its central interest in language problems.[1]
Although the field of applied linguistics started from Europe and the United States, the field rapidly flourished in the international context.
Applied linguistics first concerned itself with principles and practices on the basis of linguistics. In the early days, applied linguistics was thought as “linguistics-applied” at least from the outside of the field. In the 1960s, however, applied linguistics was expanded to include language assessment, language policy, and second language acquisition. As early as the 1970s, applied linguistics became a problem-driven field rather than theoretical linguistics, including the solution of language-related problems in the real world. By the 1990s, applied linguistics had broadened including critical studies and multilingualism. Research in applied linguistics was shifted to "the theoretical and empirical investigation of real world problems in which language is a central issue."[2]
In the United States, applied linguistics also began narrowly as the application of insights from structural linguistics—first to the teaching of English in schools and subsequently to second and foreign language teaching. The linguistics applied approach to language teaching was promulgated most strenuously by Leonard Bloomfield, who developed the foundation for the Army Specialized Training Program, and by Charles C. Fries, who established the English Language Institute (ELI) at the University of Michigan in 1941. In 1946, Applied linguistics became a recognized field of studies in the aforementioned university.[3] In 1948, the Research Club at Michigan established Language Learning: A Journal of Applied Linguistics, the first journal to bear the term applied linguistics. In the late 1960s, applied linguistics began to establish its own identity as an interdisciplinary field of linguistics concerned with real-world language issues. The new identity was solidified by the creation of the American Association for Applied Linguistics in 1977.
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applied catalogue
English Language and
Applied Linguistics
New Titles and Key Backlist
Introduction to Instructed Second Language
The Psychology of the Language Learner Revisited
Zoltán Dörnyei, University of Nottingham, UK and Stephen
Ryan, Senshu University, Japan
Series: Second Language Acquisition Research Series
This revisit of the bestselling The Psychology of the Language
Learner reflects on developments in the psychology of SLA by
challenging some of the assumptions upon which the original
text was based, maintaining the familiar structure of the original,
while situating the discussion within a very different theoretical
framework.Written in a lively, accessible style, the book both
considers how the field has evolved and suggests exciting new
directions for its future. The Psychology of the Language Learner
Revisited will appeal to students and researchers in a wide range
Shawn Loewen, Michigan State University, USA
This book presents a cohesive view of the different theoretical
and pedagogical perspectives that comprise instructed second
language acquisition (ISLA). The book begins by considering the
effectiveness of ISLA and the differences between ISLA and
naturalistic L2 learning, and then goes on to discuss the
theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical aspects of key issues in
ISLA. This timely and important volume is ideally suited for the
graduate level ISLA course, and provides valuable insights for
any SLA scholar interested in the processes involved in second
language learning in classroom settings.
Market: Applied Linguistics / Second Language Acquisition
July 2014: 6 x 9: 210pp
Hb: 978-0-415-52953-2: $135.00
of disciplines, including applied linguistics, second language acquisition, modern languages,
and psychology.
Market: Applied Linguistics / Psychology
May 2015: 6 x 9: 268pp
Hb: 978-1-138-01873-0: $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52954-9: $44.95
Pb: 978-1-138-01874-7: $54.95 eBook: 978-0-203-11781-1
eBook: 978-1-315-77955-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415529549
* For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138018747
Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second
Language Acquisition Research
A Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language
Research Using SPSS and R
Rod Ellis, University of Auckland, New Zealand and Natsuko
Shintani, National Institute of Education, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
Series: Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics
In this book, Ellis and Shintani examine how theory and research
relating to second language acquisition can inform language
pedagogy. The authors cover the different aspects of language
pedagogy that SLA can address, identify problems related to
these, and discuss possible solutions to these problems through
reference to SLA theory and research. Including a glossary of
key terms and questions for discussion at the end of each
chapter, and assuming no prior knowledge of Second Language
Jenifer Larson-Hall, Fukuoka JoGakuin University, Japan
Series: Second Language Acquisition Research Series
This book is the only text available that demonstrates how to use SPSS and R as specifically
related to applied linguistics and SLA research. This new edition takes readers through
each step of performing and understanding statistical research, covering the most
commonly used tests in the field, with an accompanying website covering additional tests
not covered in the book. This comprehensive and hands-on volume equips readers with
a thorough understanding and the practical skills necessary to conducting and interpreting
statisical research effectively using SPSS and R, ideal for graduate students and researchers
in SLA, social sciences, and applied lingustics.
Market: Applied Linguistics
June 2015: 7 x 10: 512pp Acquisition, this is the ideal text for all students studying language teaching methods,
Hb: 978-1-138-02456-4: $150.00 language teacher education, English teaching methodology and second language
Pb: 978-1-138-02457-1: $74.95 acquisition modules.
eBook: 978-1-315-77566-1
Market: Applied Linguistics/Education/TESOL
August 2013: 388pp
Hb: 978-0-415-51970-0: $160.00
Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-805-86186-0
* For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138024571
Pb: 978-0-415-51973-1: $44.95
eBook: 978-0-203-79658-0
* For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415519731
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