❞ كتاب legal Terms ❝  ⏤ Steven H. Gifis

❞ كتاب legal Terms ❝ ⏤ Steven H. Gifis

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by Steven H. Gifis

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Pronunciation Guide ix
Key to Effective Use of This Dictionary xi
Dictionary of Legal Terms 1

Professions tend to insulate themselves from lay understanding by the development of specialized jargon. The legal
profession has achieved this insulation so successfully that the uninitiated is overwhelmed by the
incomprehensibility of his or her lawyer's prose. Despite the increasing pervasiveness of law into every facet of
modern life, the special language of the law remains a barrier to nonlawyers. In recent years "plain language"
statutes have been passed by several states, requiring that consumer contracts, such as residential leases, be written
in plain, everyday language. Yet, even with these reforms, the language of the lawyer often remains a mystery to
the client.
The lawyer's language is replete with words having particular meanings. Thus, a lawyer "moves" to "evict a
holdover tenant" when his or her client wants to kick the tenant out. The lawyer seeks to "partition a co-tenancy"
gone sour and to "compel an accounting" to the ''aggrieved party." A client's home is destroyed by earthquake and
the insurance company refuses to pay. An attorney asks if the "risk" of earthquake is included in the insured's
policy and, if not, whether "representations" were made to the homeowner that would support an action to "reform"
the policy or that might create an "estoppel" against the company's denial of "liability." A merchant finds an
umbrella in a coat rack; the attorney asks whether it has been "abandoned" or "mislaid" and explains to the
merchant the "duty" that the law imposes upon a "finder" of "lost property."
In 1975 I authored a paperback law dictionary primarily for law students who were trying to comprehend what I
and their other law professors were saying. That book has been used by tens of thousands of law students. It is
hoped they have found it of assistance in understanding the baffling new world of law. Paralegals, legal secretaries
and other professionals who regularly interact with lawyers have also purchased the law dictionary. It occurred to
me, however that the greatest need for communication existed between the lawyer and the client.
Steven H. Gifis - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ legal Terms ❝ ❱
من ترجمة قانونية - مكتبة كتب علوم سياسية وقانونية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
legal Terms

1999م - 1446هـ
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cover next page >

by Steven H. Gifis

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Pronunciation Guide ix
Key to Effective Use of This Dictionary xi
Dictionary of Legal Terms 1

Professions tend to insulate themselves from lay understanding by the development of specialized jargon. The legal
profession has achieved this insulation so successfully that the uninitiated is overwhelmed by the
incomprehensibility of his or her lawyer's prose. Despite the increasing pervasiveness of law into every facet of
modern life, the special language of the law remains a barrier to nonlawyers. In recent years "plain language"
statutes have been passed by several states, requiring that consumer contracts, such as residential leases, be written
in plain, everyday language. Yet, even with these reforms, the language of the lawyer often remains a mystery to
the client.
The lawyer's language is replete with words having particular meanings. Thus, a lawyer "moves" to "evict a
holdover tenant" when his or her client wants to kick the tenant out. The lawyer seeks to "partition a co-tenancy"
gone sour and to "compel an accounting" to the ''aggrieved party." A client's home is destroyed by earthquake and
the insurance company refuses to pay. An attorney asks if the "risk" of earthquake is included in the insured's
policy and, if not, whether "representations" were made to the homeowner that would support an action to "reform"
the policy or that might create an "estoppel" against the company's denial of "liability." A merchant finds an
umbrella in a coat rack; the attorney asks whether it has been "abandoned" or "mislaid" and explains to the
merchant the "duty" that the law imposes upon a "finder" of "lost property."
In 1975 I authored a paperback law dictionary primarily for law students who were trying to comprehend what I
and their other law professors were saying. That book has been used by tens of thousands of law students. It is
hoped they have found it of assistance in understanding the baffling new world of law. Paralegals, legal secretaries
and other professionals who regularly interact with lawyers have also purchased the law dictionary. It occurred to
me, however that the greatest need for communication existed between the lawyer and the client.


تعليقات القرّاء:

الترجمة القانونية هي قبل كل شيء ترجمة بين لغتين قانونيتين تعبران عن نظامين قانونيين مختلفين. وهذا يعني أن المصطلح القانوني محدود سلفًا بالنظام القانوني الذي ينتمي ذلك المصطلح القانوني إليه، وأنه لا يمكن فهمه وبالتالي ترجمته إلا من خلال ذلك النظام القانوني. من ثمة كان على مترجم النصوص القانونية أن يكون ملمًا بالنظامين القانونيين للغة المنقول منها واللغة المنقول إليها، وأن يترجم المصطلح القانوني للغة المنقول منها بما يقابله ويكافئه وظيفيًا من مصطلح قانوني في اللغة المنقول إليها، أي أن يعتمد استراتيجية (التكافؤ الوظيفي) طالما كان اعتماد هذه الاستراتيجية ممكنًا. ولكن هذه الاستراتيجية ليست دائمًا ممكنة في عملية الترجمة، مما يفرض على المترجم اعتماد تقنيات واستراتيجيات أخرى سنعالجها تباعا في هذه المادة المنشورة.

أسس الترجمة

نقل المعنى (وليس نقل الكلمات نقلاً حرفياً وإلا لن نستطيع نقل الشعر أو الأمثال أو التشبيهات المجازية والاستعارية).
نقل الغلاف اللغوي الذي يغلف المعنى (بمعنى نقل الزمن سواء ماضي أو مضارع (المضارع ليس زمناً وإنما هو صيغة. أما الأزمنة فهي الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل) إلى آخره، ومدلولات الزمن والنحو تضيف للمعنى وتعززه وبالتالي كلما تعمق المترجم في فهم الجملة كلما وجد أدلة ومفاتيح تثبت وتؤكد صحة ترجمته أو تقوده للأصح).
نقل الأسلوب (نقل أسلوب الكاتب أو المتحدث وتشبيهاته والصور الجمالية المستخدمة ونقلها من خلال حضارة اللغة الهدف حتى تصبح مستساغة ومفهومة).
إن القيام بعملية الترجمة مع مراعاة النقاط السابقة بالترتيب المذكور يجعل الترجمة في أدق ما يمكن. ولكن هناك سؤال هام يطرح نفسه، هل الترجمة علم أم فن؟


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by Barron's Educational Series

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Pronunciation Guide ix
Key to Effective Use of This Dictionary xi
Dictionary of Legal Terms 1

Professions tend to insulate themselves from lay understanding by the development of specialized jargon. The legal
profession has achieved this insulation so successfully that the uninitiated is overwhelmed by the
incomprehensibility of his or her lawyer's prose. Despite the increasing pervasiveness of law into every facet of
modern life, the special language of the law remains a barrier to nonlawyers. In recent years "plain language"
statutes have been passed by several states, requiring that consumer contracts, such as residential leases, be written
in plain, everyday language. Yet, even with these reforms, the language of the lawyer often remains a mystery to
the client.
The lawyer's language is replete with words having particular meanings. Thus, a lawyer "moves" to "evict a
holdover tenant" when his or her client wants to kick the tenant out. The lawyer seeks to "partition a co-tenancy"
gone sour and to "compel an accounting" to the ''aggrieved party." A client's home is destroyed by earthquake and
the insurance company refuses to pay. An attorney asks if the "risk" of earthquake is included in the insured's
policy and, if not, whether "representations" were made to the homeowner that would support an action to "reform"
the policy or that might create an "estoppel" against the company's denial of "liability." A merchant finds an
umbrella in a coat rack; the attorney asks whether it has been "abandoned" or "mislaid" and explains to the
merchant the "duty" that the law imposes upon a "finder" of "lost property."
In 1975 I authored a paperback law dictionary primarily for law students who were trying to comprehend what I
and their other law professors were saying. That book has been used by tens of thousands of law students. It is
hoped they have found it of assistance in understanding the baffling new world of law. Paralegals, legal secretaries
and other professionals who regularly interact with lawyers have also purchased the law dictionary. It occurred to
me, however that the greatest need for communication existed between the lawyer and the client.

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سنة النشر : 1999م / 1420هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.2MB .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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Steven H. Gifis -

كتب Steven H. Gifis ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ legal Terms ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب Steven H. Gifis

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