❞ كتاب stroke medicine ❝  ⏤ مايكل براينين

❞ كتاب stroke medicine ❝ ⏤ مايكل براينين

Preface vii
List of contributors viii
Section I – Etiology, pathophysiology
and imaging
1 Neuropathology and pathophysiology
of stroke 1
Konstantin A. Hossmann
and Wolf-Dieter Heiss
2 Common causes of ischemic stroke 28
Bo Norrving
3 Neuroradiology 40
(A) Imaging of acute ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke: CT, perfusion CT,
CT angiography 40
Patrik Michel
(B) Imaging of acute ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke: MRI and MR
angiography 43
Jens Fiehler
(c) Functional imaging in acute stroke,
recovery and rehabilitation 48
Wolf-Dieter Heiss
4 Ultrasound in acute ischemic stroke 58
László Csiba
Section II – Clinical epidemiology
and risk factors
5 Basic epidemiology of stroke and risk
assessment 77
Jaakko Tuomilehto, Markku Mähönen
and Cinzia Sarti
6 Common risk factors and prevention 89
Michael Brainin, Yvonne Teuschl
and Karl Matz
7 Cardiac diseases relevant to stroke 105
Claudia Stöllberger and Josef Finsterer
Section III – Diagnostics and syndromes
8 Common stroke syndromes 121
Céline Odier and Patrik Michel
9 Less common stroke syndromes 135
Wilfried Lang
10 Intracerebral hemorrhage 154
Michael Brainin and Raoul Eckhardt
11 Cerebral venous thrombosis 165
Jobst Rudolf
12 Behavioral neurology of stroke 178
José M. Ferro, Isabel P. Martins and Lara Caeiro
13 Stroke and dementia 194
Didier Leys and Marta Altieri
14 Ischemic stroke in the young
and in children 203
Didier Leys and Valeria Caso
Section IV – Therapeutic strategies
and neurorehabilitation
15 Stroke units and clinical assessment 219
Risto O. Roine and Markku Kaste
16 Acute therapies and interventions 230
Richard O’Brien, Thorsten Steiner
and Kennedy R. Lees
17 Management of acute ischemic stroke
and its complications 243
Natan M. Bornstein and Eitan Auriel
vThis book is designed to improve the teaching and learning of stroke medicine in postgraduate ... مايكل براينين - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ stroke medicine ❝ الناشرين : ❞ Cambridge University ❝ ❱
من كتب الطب البشري - مكتبة كتب الطب.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
stroke medicine

Preface vii
List of contributors viii
Section I – Etiology, pathophysiology
and imaging
1 Neuropathology and pathophysiology
of stroke 1
Konstantin A. Hossmann
and Wolf-Dieter Heiss
2 Common causes of ischemic stroke 28
Bo Norrving
3 Neuroradiology 40
(A) Imaging of acute ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke: CT, perfusion CT,
CT angiography 40
Patrik Michel
(B) Imaging of acute ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke: MRI and MR
angiography 43
Jens Fiehler
(c) Functional imaging in acute stroke,
recovery and rehabilitation 48
Wolf-Dieter Heiss
4 Ultrasound in acute ischemic stroke 58
László Csiba
Section II – Clinical epidemiology
and risk factors
5 Basic epidemiology of stroke and risk
assessment 77
Jaakko Tuomilehto, Markku Mähönen
and Cinzia Sarti
6 Common risk factors and prevention 89
Michael Brainin, Yvonne Teuschl
and Karl Matz
7 Cardiac diseases relevant to stroke 105
Claudia Stöllberger and Josef Finsterer
Section III – Diagnostics and syndromes
8 Common stroke syndromes 121
Céline Odier and Patrik Michel
9 Less common stroke syndromes 135
Wilfried Lang
10 Intracerebral hemorrhage 154
Michael Brainin and Raoul Eckhardt
11 Cerebral venous thrombosis 165
Jobst Rudolf
12 Behavioral neurology of stroke 178
José M. Ferro, Isabel P. Martins and Lara Caeiro
13 Stroke and dementia 194
Didier Leys and Marta Altieri
14 Ischemic stroke in the young
and in children 203
Didier Leys and Valeria Caso
Section IV – Therapeutic strategies
and neurorehabilitation
15 Stroke units and clinical assessment 219
Risto O. Roine and Markku Kaste
16 Acute therapies and interventions 230
Richard O’Brien, Thorsten Steiner
and Kennedy R. Lees
17 Management of acute ischemic stroke
and its complications 243
Natan M. Bornstein and Eitan Auriel
vThis book is designed to improve the teaching and learning of stroke medicine in postgraduate ...

تعليقات القرّاء:

علم التشريح والأنسجة
علم وظائف الأعضاء
علم الأمراض
علم التخدير والعناية المركزة
علم الأدوية والعلاجيات
علم الكيمياء الحيوية
علم الكائنات الدقيقة
طب الباطنة
طب النساء والولادة
طب الأطفال
طب الطوارئ
طب وجراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة
طب وجراحة العيون

  • This book is designed to improve the teaching and learning of stroke medicine in postgraduate ...

  • Contents
    Preface vii
    List of contributors viii
    Section I – Etiology, pathophysiology
    and imaging
    1 Neuropathology and pathophysiology
    of stroke 1
    Konstantin A. Hossmann
    and Wolf-Dieter Heiss
    2 Common causes of ischemic stroke 28
    Bo Norrving
    3 Neuroradiology 40
    (A) Imaging of acute ischemic and
    hemorrhagic stroke: CT, perfusion CT,
    CT angiography 40
    Patrik Michel
    (B) Imaging of acute ischemic and
    hemorrhagic stroke: MRI and MR
    angiography 43
    Jens Fiehler
    (c) Functional imaging in acute stroke,
    recovery and rehabilitation 48
    Wolf-Dieter Heiss
    4 Ultrasound in acute ischemic stroke 58
    László Csiba
    Section II – Clinical epidemiology
    and risk factors
    5 Basic epidemiology of stroke and risk
    assessment 77
    Jaakko Tuomilehto, Markku Mähönen
    and Cinzia Sarti
    6 Common risk factors and prevention 89
    Michael Brainin, Yvonne Teuschl
    and Karl Matz
    7 Cardiac diseases relevant to stroke 105
    Claudia Stöllberger and Josef Finsterer
    Section III – Diagnostics and syndromes
    8 Common stroke syndromes 121
    Céline Odier and Patrik Michel
    9 Less common stroke syndromes 135
    Wilfried Lang
    10 Intracerebral hemorrhage 154
    Michael Brainin and Raoul Eckhardt
    11 Cerebral venous thrombosis 165
    Jobst Rudolf
    12 Behavioral neurology of stroke 178
    José M. Ferro, Isabel P. Martins and Lara Caeiro
    13 Stroke and dementia 194
    Didier Leys and Marta Altieri
    14 Ischemic stroke in the young
    and in children 203
    Didier Leys and Valeria Caso
    Section IV – Therapeutic strategies
    and neurorehabilitation
    15 Stroke units and clinical assessment 219
    Risto O. Roine and Markku Kaste
    16 Acute therapies and interventions 230
    Richard O’Brien, Thorsten Steiner
    and Kennedy R. Lees
    17 Management of acute ischemic stroke
    and its complications 243
    Natan M. Bornstein and Eitan Auriel
    v18 Infections in stroke 258
    Achim Kaasch and Harald Seifert
    19 Secondary prevention 272
    Hans-Christoph Diener
    and Greg W. Albers
    20 Neurorehabilitation 283
    Sylvan J. Albert and Jürg Kesselring

  • Preface
    This book is designed to improve the teaching and
    learning of stroke medicine in postgraduate educational
    programs. It is targeted at “beginning specialists”,
    either medical students with a deeper interest
    or medical doctors entering the field of specialized
    stroke care. Therefore the text contains what is
    considered essential for this readership but, in addition,
    goes into much greater depth, e.g. the coverage
    of less frequent causes of stroke, and describing
    the more technical facets and settings of modern
    stroke care.
    The textbook leads the reader through the many
    causes of stroke, its typical manifestations, and the
    practical management of the stroke patient. We have
    tried to keep the clinical aspects to the fore, giving
    relative weight to those chapters that cover clinically
    important issues; however, the pathological, pathophysiological
    and anatomical background is included
    where necessary. The book benefits from the experience
    of many specialized authors, thereby providing
    expert coverage of the various topics by international
    authorities in the field. In places this leads to some
    differences of opinion in the approach to particular
    patients or conditions; as Editors we have tried not
    to interfere with the individual character of each
    chapter, leaving only duplicate presentations when
    they were handled from different topological or didactic
    aspects, e.g. on genetics or rarer forms of diseases.
    The development of this textbook has been triggered
    by the “European Master in Stroke Medicine
    Programme” held at Danube University in Austria.
    This program has been fostered by the European
    Stroke Organisation and has been endorsed by the
    World Stroke Organization. This book has been
    shaped by the experiences of the lecturers – most of
    them also leading authors for our chapters – and the
    feedback of our students during several runs of this
    course. Thus, we hope to satisfy the needs of students
    and young doctors from many different countries,
    both within and outside Europe.
    Finally, we would like to thank Dr Susanne Heiss
    for her expert editorial assistance and her diligent and
    expert help in summarizing the chapters’ contents.
    Thanks also to Nick Dunton and his team at Cambridge
    University Press for their help and patience.
    Michael Brainin
    Wolf-Dieter Heiss


جراحة العظام
طب التخدير والعناية المركزة او طب العناية الحثيثة
الأشعة والتصوير الطبي
الأمراض الجلدية
الطب النفسي
طب الأسرة والمجتمع
التعليم الطبي

 الطب البشرى العام
كتاب الطب الباطني باللغة العربية
كتب طبية بصيغة pdf
كتب طبية مترجمة
المكتبة الطبية الشاملة pdf
افضل كتب الطب للمبتدئين
افضل الكتب لطلاب الطب
تحميل كتب جراحة عامة
اكبر مكتبة لتحميل الكتب الطبية مجانا

 الطب البشري العام 
تعريف الطب البشري
مواد الطب البشري
افضل تخصص في الطب البشري
معلومات عن تخصص الطب
معلومات عن كلية الطب البشري في مصر
كيفية دراسة الطب
هل دراسة الطب صعبة
اقسام كلية الطب البشرى جامعة القاهرة

حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 6.4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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مايكل براينين - Michael Brainin

كتب مايكل براينين ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ stroke medicine ❝ الناشرين : ❞ Cambridge University ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب مايكل براينين
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