❞ كتاب التسویق الاخضر ودوره في تحقیق الاهداف الاستراتیجیة للتسویق ❝
التسویق الاخضر ودوره في تحقیق الاهداف
الاستراتیجیة للتسویق
بحث تطبیقي في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدیة
الاستاذ المساعد سناء حسن حلو
معهد الادارة -الرصافة
المدرس مدیحة عباس خلف
معهد الادارة -الرصافة
The study deals with Green Marketing and their role in the implementation of
strategic marketing goals. It focuses upon management levels in the State Company of
Leather Industries, who are the directors managers.
The problem of research is to see the role of Green Marketing in achieving the
strategic goals of marketing, which are the directions that are mostly influenced. It aims
at achieving number of knowledge goals depending on two major hypothesis.
A questionnaire is used in data gathering and information concerning research. A
sample of (30) managers is selected in addition to the head departments in the
company. In order to treat data, a number of statistical methods such as the mean,
standard deviation, simple linear regression and correlation were applied. The results
indicated that there is a significant relationship for the Green Marketing in the strategic
marketing goals.
من فكر وثقافة - مكتبة الكتب والموسوعات العامة.