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Rawson and Tupper's Basic Ship Theory, first published in 1968, is widely known as the standard introductory text for naval architecture students, as well as being a useful reference for the more experienced designer.
The fifth edition continues to provide a balance between theory and practice. Volume 1 discusses ship geometry and measurement in its more basic concepts, also covering safety issues, structural strength, flotation, trim and stability. Volume 2 expands on the material in Volume 1, covering the dynamics behaviour of marine vehicles, hydrodynamics, manoeuvrability and seakeeping. It concludes with some case studies of particular ship types and a discussion of maritime design. Both volumes feature the importance of considering the environment in design.
Basic Ship Theory is an essential tool for undergraduates and national vocational students of naval architecture, maritime studies, ocean and offshore engineering, and this combined hardback version will be of great assistance to practising marine engineers and naval architects.
Brand new edition of the leading undergraduate textbook in Naval Architecture
Provides a basis for more advanced theory
Over 500 examples, with answers
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