❞ كتاب فهرس مراجع فسيولوجيا اللياقة البدنية ❝
أولاً : المراجع العربية
ثانياً : المراجع الأجنبية
ثالثاً : مراجع من شبكة الإنترنت:
- 117 -
- 124 -
ثانياً : المراجع الأجنبية
71- Ahtiainen, Juha Petri (2006) : Neuromuscular, hormonal and molecular responses to heavy resistance training in strength trained men's jyvaskylan yliopisto, Finland.
72- Arthur,M. Lesk (2007) : introduction to genomics, the penssylvania state university oxford university press.
73- Bamman,T (2001) : The effect of resistance training on the expression of IGF-1mRNA am J physiology .280:383-390.
74- Beechele,T.R (1994) : Essentials of strength training and conditioning champaign, IL , Human kinetics.
75- Bob Davis et al (1995): physical education and the study of sport , second edition , times mimor publishers .
76- Bouchard .C (1996) : " genetic determines for exercise. human kinetic , London .
77- Brian J Sharkey (2002) : fitness and health , fifth edition ,human kinetics publisher ,USA .
78- Colakogle .M et,al(2005): " ACE genotype may have an effect on single versus multiple set preferences in strength training" euro , appl physiology .
79- Cornel Mulhardt (2007) : Molecular biology and genomics, academic press the expriementer series,
80- Douglas S.Brooks,MS(2004): The complete book of personal training ,human, kinetics.
81- Edward Fox Richard (1993) : The physiological basis for exercise and sport.wme, brown communications inc,USA.
82- Ericsson , K , A, Krampe , RT . and Tesch – Rsmer , (1993) : the role of deliberate practice in the acquistin of expert performance, physiology review (100) 363. 406.
83- Everett Abeng, Dallas,Texas (2006): Resistance training instruction,second edition,human,kinetics.
84- Frederick C. Hatfield (2007) : Fitness The Complete Guide Issa,USA.
من الدايت واللياقة البدنية الدايت باللغة العربية - مكتبة كتب اللياقة البدنية والصحة العامة.