📘 قراءة كتاب Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry أونلاين

التعويضات السنية Prosthodontics وتشمل
الجسور الثابتة Fixed bridges والزرعات Implants
الطقوم الكاملة المتحركة removable complete denture
الطقوم الجزئية المتحركة removable partial denture
معالجة و إصلاح الأسنان Operative Dentistry وتشمل:
تشخيص تسوس الأسنان caries diagnosis
الوقايه والحد من انتشار تسوس الاسنان management of dental caries
تبييض الأسنان Dentalbleaching
تجميل الأسنان cosmetic dentistry
حشوات الأسنان Dental Fillings
معالجة لب الأسنان Endodontics
معالجة الأسنان المجهرية microscopic endodontics
طب الأسنان الوقائي Preventive Dentistry
تقويم الأسنان Orthodontics
جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
طب أسنان الأطفال Pedodontics
أمراض اللثة
أمراض الأنسجة المحيطة بالأسنان Periodontics
زراعة الأسنان Dental Implantology
أشعة الأسنان Dental Radiology
طب الأسنان الشرعي Forensic Dentistry
طب الفم Oral Medicine
أمراض الفم Oral Pathology
أنسجة الفم والأسنان Oral Histology
المادة السنية Dental material
تشريح الأسنانDental anatomy
مواضيع متعلقة بطب الأسنان
طب الأسنان للرضع
جراحة الأسنان
طقم أسنان
طب الاسنان في الاردن
طب الأسنان في جميع أنحاء العالم
Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry
by John A. Yagiela, Frank J. Dowd, Bart Johnson, Angelo Mariotti, Enid A. Neidle
Use your knowledge of pharmacology to enhance oral care! Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry, 6th Edition describes how to evaluate a patient’s health and optimize dental treatment by factoring in the drugs they take. It explores the basic fundamentals of pharmacology, special topics such as pain control, fear and anxiety, and oral complications of cancer therapy, and most importantly, the actions of specific drug groups on the human body. Whether you’re concerned about the drugs a patient is already taking or the drugs you prescribe for treatment, this book helps you reduce risk and provide effective dental care.
An emphasis on the dental applications of pharmacology relates drugs to dental considerations in clinical practice.
Dental aspects of many drug classes are expanded to include antibiotics, analgesics, and anesthetics.
The Alternative Medicine in Dentistry chapter discusses chemicals used as alternative medicines and assesses their potential benefits and risks.
The Nonopioid Analgesics chapter groups together non-opioid analgesics, nonsterioidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antirheumatic and antigout drugs, making these easier to locate and study.
Coverage of the endocrine system includes four separate chapters for the most comprehensive coverage.
Drug Interactions in Clinical Dentistry appendix lists potential interactions between drugs a patient is taking for nondental conditions and drugs that may be used or prescribed during dental treatment, including effects and recommendations.
Glossary of Abbreviations appendix includes the most common abbreviations used for drugs or conditions. New Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics chapter covers the effects of genetic traits of patients on their responses to drugs.
A NEW introductory section offers tips for the study of dental pharmacology and relates pharmacology to dental considerations.
An updated discussion of drug-drug interactions covers the harmful effects of mixing medications.
Coverage of adverse effects and mechanisms of COX-2 inhibitors, antibiotic prophylaxis, and antiplaque agents explains the dental risks relating to common drug treatments.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Principles of Pharmacology
1. Pharmacodynamics: Mechanisms of Drug Action
2. Pharmacokinetics: The Absorption, Distribution, and Fate of Drugs
3. Pharmacotherapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs
4. Pharmacogenetics: Pharmacogenomics
Part 2: Pharmacology of Specific Drug Groups
5. Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
6. Cholinergic Agonists and Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists
7. Drugs Affecting Nicotinic Receptors
8. Adrenergic Agonists
9. Adrenergic Antagonists
10. Psychopharmacology: Antipsychotic and Antidepressant Drugs
11. Sedative-Hypnotics, Antianxiety Drugs and Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxants
12. Anticonvulsants
13. Antiparkinson Drugs
14. Local Anesthetics
15. General Anesthesia
16. Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists
17. Non-Opioid Analgesics; Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs; Antirheumatic and Antigout Drugs
18. Histamine and Histamine Antagonists
19. Antiarrhythmic Drugs
20. Drugs Used in Heart Failure
21. Antianginal Drugs
22. Diuretic Drugs
23. Antihypertensive Drugs
24. Lipid-Lowering Drugs
25. Antianemic and Hematopoietic Stimulating Drugs
26. Procoagulant, Anticoagulant, and Thrombolytic Drugs
27. Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System
28. Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract
29. Pituitary, Thyroid and Parathyroid Pharmacology
30. Adrenal Corticosteroids
31. Insulin, Oral Hypoglycemics, and Glucagon
32. Steroid Hormones of Reproduction and Sexual Development
33. Antibiotic Therapy
34. Antifungal and Antiviral Agents
35. Immunotherapy
36. Antineoplastic Drugs
Part 3: Special Subjects in Pharmacology and Therapeutics
37. Medications for Management of Chronic, Non-Odontogenic Pain
38. Management of Fear and Anxiety
39. Drugs of Abuse
40. Toxicology
41. Drugs for Medical Emergencies
42. Clinical Rationale for and Significance of Prescription Writing
Appendix 1: Protein Biopharmaceuticals
Appendix 2: The Use of Herbs and Herbal Dietary Supplements in Dentistry
Appendix 3: Antiseptics and Disinfectants
Appendix 4: Drug Interactions in Clinical Dentistry
Appendix 5: Drugs Used to Treat Glaucoma
Appendix 6: Prescription Writing
Appendix 7: Controlled Substances and Drug Schedules
Appendix 8: Regulations and Drug Prescribing
Appendix 9: Glossary of Abbreviations
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