📘 قراءة كتاب AutoCAD Fundamentals أونلاين

AutoCAD Fundamentals
2006 are examined.
Create and Save AutoCAD drawing files.
Use the AutoCAD visual reference
Draw, using the LINE and CIRCLE
Use the ERASE command.
Define Positions using the Basic Entry
Use the AutoCAD Pan Realtime option.
Learning to use a CAD system is similar to learning a new language. It is necessary to
begin with the basic alphabet and learn how to use it correctly and effectively through
practice. This will require learning some new concepts and skills as well as learning a
different vocabulary. All CAD systems create designs using basic geometric entities.
Many of the constructions used in technical designs are based upon two-dimensional
planar geometry. The method and number of operations that are required to accomplish
the constructions are different from one system to another.
In order to become effective in using a CAD system, we must learn to create geometric
entities quickly and accurately. In learning to use a CAD system, lines and circles are the
first two, and perhaps the most important two, geometric entities that one should master
the skills of creating and modifying. Straight lines and circles are used in almost all
technical designs. In examining the different types of planar geometric entities, the
importance of lines and circles becomes obvious. Triangles and polygons are planar
figures bounded by straight lines. Ellipses and splines can be constructed by connecting
arcs with different radii. As one gains some experience in creating lines and circles,
similar procedures can be applied to create other geometric entities. In this chapter, the
different ways of creating lines and circles in AutoCAD
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