📘 قراءة فيديو Potential Energy - The Mechanical Universe أونلاين

Potential Energy - The Mechanical Universe

A special section for books in the field of mechanical engineering, "Mechanical engineering", which is an engineering branch that studies physical systems and applies the foundations of basic physical laws for analysis. The most important characteristic of mechanics is its dependence on mathematics (rather than estimation) and on experience (rather than observation), where it established how to formulate quantum predictions in theory, and how to test these mathematical formulas with carefully designed measurement tools.
"Mechanical engineering" is an engineering branch concerned with the design, manufacture, operation, and development of machines or devices used in various sectors of economic activities. By the definition of the British Encyclopedia, mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with design, development, manufacture, installation, and operation of engines, machines, and manufacturing processes. It is particularly interested in forces and movement. It is a science concerned with studying energy in all its forms and its effects on objects. It is a broad discipline related to all areas of life. Mechanical engineering is concerned with, for example, the aerospace, aviation, production, energy transformation, building mechanics, transportation, air conditioning and refrigeration technology, and in information modeling and simulatio
سنة النشر : 2016م / 1437هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 39.5 ميجا بايت .
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