📘 قراءة كتاب 30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban أونلاين

30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban
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To get the best of Ramadan, one needs to prepare well and put the plan
before Ramadan knocks the door without being ready to receive it. It is the
month of the year, and the actual loser is the one who witnesses Ramadan
without being forgiven in it as narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon
The tips below discuss how to make actual and useful preparation for
1- Supplicate Allah to prolong your life to attend Ramadan, bless it for you,
accept your good deeds in it and forgive your shortcomings.
2- Make a sincere repentance from all sins and evil deeds, regret them, and
ask Allah to help you not to turn again to them.
3- Keep away from the misdeeds that displease Allah and incur his Wrath
upon you.
4- Always renew your repentance to Allah and your commitment with Him.
5- Strive to observe the obligatory prayers at their due times in
congregation so that it will be easy for you to continue on this in and after
6- If you are not in the habit of offering the supererogatory prayers, try to
do some of them and move on to do all of them.
7- Rectify your intention, make all your actions sincerely to Allah, the
Almighty, Alone.
8- As the utmost goal of fasting is attaining Taqwa (righteousness and fear
of God), facilitate its realization by the different means of Taqwa, such as
remembering Allah, reading about the stories of the earlier generations,
contemplation on the Qu’ran, thinking about death and the Hereafter, and so
30 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan in Sha`ban
www.new-muslims.info 3
9- Abandon TV series and movies that include prohibited scenes.
10- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. use up most of our free
time. From now on, give Qur’an, Dhikr, Salah, etc. the greater time to
prepare for the month of Qur’an and Salah; Ramadan.
11- Recitation of the Qur’an in Ramadan is the month’s worship, so make
the Qur’an your companion by starting recitation from now and learning the
rules of Tajwid.
12- If you have a missed fast from the former Ramadan, make up for them
in Sha`ban, as Lady `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) used to do.
13- Accustom yourself to long du`aa’ (supplication), memorize some of the
reported supplications of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and remember
that the supplication of the fasting person is accepted.
14- Accustom yourself to long stay in the mosque after each Prayer, in
preparation for i`tikaf in Ramadan.
15- Follow the Prophet’s example in fasting in Sha`ban, as he used to fast
most of the month of Sha`ban. Do not forget that this makes fasting in
Ramadan easy for you.
16-Save some money to give in Sadaqah (charity) in Ramadan and start
from now.
17- Start offering 2 rak`ahs (unit of Prayer) daily and increase the number
from time to time during the night in preparation for tarawih
(supererogatory night prayer in Ramadan).
18- Prepare yourself to make `Umrah in Ramadan, as the Prophet (peace be
upon him) said, “`Umrah in Ramadan equals Hajj with me (in reward).” (Al-
Book author : EDa`wah Committee (EDC)
To get the best of Ramadan, one needs to prepare well and put the plan before Ramadan knocks the door without being ready to receive it. It is the month of the year, and the actual loser is the one who witnesses Ramadan without being forgiven in it as narrated from the Prophet _peace be upon him_. The tips included in this publication discuss how to make actual and useful preparation
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