📘 قراءة كتاب Aspects of Mercy Muhammad Peace be upon him أونلاين

H.E. Dr. Khaled bin Mansoor Al-Durais
Arbitration Committee Rapporteur`
May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you
I acknowledge receipt of your letter pertaining to the
recommendation of the Committee in respect of introducing
certain amendments to my research which was submitted to
you. While thanking you for your good will, I wish to express
my appreciation of the distinguished work performed by the
Arbitration Committees, which was reflected by the
scrupulous remarks it contained.
I am pleased to inform you that I have incorporated all the
remarks in your report, though some of them, it seemed to me,
were a matter of opinion. However, I found that our mutual
interest requires that they should be carried out, because they
will contribute, in their totality, to the upgrading of the
May Allah reward you and the Committee Members. I attach a
revised manuscript and an electronic version.
Bless you and peace be upon you.
Your brother
Prof. Dr. Zid bin Omar Al-Ais
King Saud University
12/5/1428 H. In these nine lectures in which Dr. Adam went through gardens of delight, portraying the Prophet’s life. In them, she combined, in scrupulous harmony, a bouquet in which there is, in every flower, a manifestation of the mercy of Prophet Muhammad pbuh , a bouquet which she presented as a gift to humanity, accompanied by a small card wherein is written the Prophet’s saying: “I am but a mercy granted to all humanity
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 701.3 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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