📘 قراءة كتاب Say as universe says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah أونلاين

1)......................................................... Monotheism (Tawheed And
4?................................... Almighty The Allaah of think you do What
7? .............................................. Almighty The Allaah know you Do
7 ............................................................................Almighty The Allaah is This
7..................................Merciful Most The, Gracious Most The ...Allaah is This
7. ................child her to mother the than Merciful More Him find you, Moreover
in hope have would he, is Allaah Mercy the great how knew] disbeliever [Kaafir the If
8:..................................................................................................Paradise His
each to merciful creatures moving other and insects, beasts the makes Mercy His
upon mercy bestow to worshippers His upon calls and night every descends He
9.” ........... Exalted The and Almighty The, Good The “Allaah is This
than beautiful more anything there is... laughs Exalted The, Almighty The Allaah
The, Almighty The), Affectionate-Ever the (Wadood-Al, Allaah is This
11....................................................................................... Exalted
11:................ Him love who those meet to loves Exalted The He, Furthermore
11:..................................... Exalted The Him about speech your loves also He
your of that and eyes your of tears the of marks (traces and marks your loves He
11):............................................................................................................ foot
:Exalted The Him to near draw you than more you to near draws Exalted The He
,Almighty The, Forgiving-Oft The, Forgiving-Ever The, Allaah is This
Team com.knowingallah by Directed and Designed
13................................................................................ Exalted The
13: ................................................................ forgiveness in vast Him find You
13: ................................................ sins all forgives, moreover, Exalted The He
13. ............. sinners the forgive to hand His out stretches Almighty The Allaah
13: ................. slaves His of repentance the over rejoices also Exalted The He
13:.......................... repentant constantly are who those loves Exalted The He
:says Almighty The Allaah. ones good with deeds evil the replaces Exalted The He
14 ..... Hereafter the in forgives and life worldly the in conceals Exalted The He
The, Almighty The), Affectionate-Ever the (Wadood-Al, Allaah is This
15....................................................................................... Exalted
15:................ Him love who those meet to loves Exalted The He, Furthermore
15:..................................... Exalted The Him about speech your loves also He
your of that and eyes your of tears the of marks (traces and marks your loves He
15):............................................................................................................ foot
:Exalted The Him to near draw you than more you to near draws Exalted The He
,Almighty The, Forgiving-Oft The, Forgiving-Ever The, Allaah is This
17................................................................................ Exalted The
17: ................................................................ forgiveness in vast Him find You
17: ................................................ sins all forgives, moreover, Exalted The He
17. ............. sinners the forgive to hand His out stretches Almighty The Allaah
17: ................. slaves His of repentance the over rejoices also Exalted The He
17:.......................... repentant constantly are who those loves Exalted The He
:says Almighty The Allaah. ones good with deeds evil the replaces Exalted The He
18 ..... Hereafter the in forgives and life worldly the in conceals Exalted The He
to Generous Most the (Generous Most The, Modest The, Allaah is This
Team com.knowingallah by Directed and Designed
19).................................................. something ask may one whom
19................ concealment and modesty loves He: Almighty The Allaah is This
19: ......... concealed has Almighty The Allaah whom one the to Congratulation
19.................................. Muslim a of faults the conceals whoever conceals He
20 ................................. Muslims of faults the discloses whoever punishes He
21 Forbearing Most The and Appreciative Most The, Allaah is This
21:mountain a as it makes and date the or morsel the accepts Exalted The He
21: .............. Hellfire the from you save wil
(Monotheism (Tawheed And) Allah with Others
,Muslims as worshipers His of all created has Almighty The Allaah
devils the, however; Almighty The Allaah of Oneness the testifying
.faith their corrupt and religion their changed and them to came
created have I: ‘Qudsi-Al Hadeeth-Al in says Almighty The Allaah
They. religion their from away them turn and them to come ilsdev the but, alone Me worship to inclination the with slaves My all
tell they and, them to permitted have I which that them to forbid
down sent not have I which for, Me with others associate to them
1.”authority any
suitable the with, them upon be peace, Prophets His sends mightyAl The Allaah, Shirk of form any commit people whenever So
.Tawheed of forms
as such Creator the, Lord the in disbelieved have them of Some
,Prophets the sent Almighty The Allaah so... awn‘Fir and Thamood
their and Lord their about them inform to, them upon be peace
awn‘Fir to said, him upon be peace), Moses (Moosa as Creator
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:says Almighty The Allaah. sublimity great
He. Refuge Eternal the , Allah, One] is who , [Allah is He, “Say{
{.equivalent any Him to there is Nor, born is nor begets neither
.(5019 (Muslim by Reported 1
Allaah except deity no is there (Allaah illa ilaaha ‘Laa says universe as Say
sale for Not, edition Free 2 com.knowingallah.www
[4-1 Ikhlaas-Al[
Lord the is Almighty The Allaah that know them of most Although
committed they, Attributes and Names His of some know and
and Almighty The Allaah worshiping in others associating by Shirk
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be peace, Prophets the all sent Almighty The Allaah, Therefore
peace, Muhammad Prophet, them of last the and, them upon
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the all and widespread become has Ignorance.’ affairs of poserDis best the is He and, Allaah is us for Sufficient ‘appeared has
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2.”gains worldly some for religion
knowledge sound the by except them from saved be will one No
.Tirmithi-At by Reported 2
Allaah except deity no is there (Allaah illa ilaaha ‘Laa says universe as Say
sale for Not, edition Free 3 com.knowingallah.www
by reported narration the in mentioned is it as deeds good and
wake will man a when, tribulations be would There: “Maajah Ibn
,(disbeliever (Kaafir a be will he evening by and believer a as up
“.edgeknowl with endowed Almighty The Allaah whom one the except
,Fitan the from us protect to earnestly Almighty The Allaah ask We
.concealed is what and them of apparent is what
Allaah except deity no is there (Allaah illa ilaaha ‘Laa says universe as Say
sale for Not, edition Free 4 com.knowingallah.www
?Almighty The Allaah of think you do What
?glory and greatness, estymaj, beauty such has Almighty The Allaah that think you Do•
all encompasses mercy Whose Lord the of think you do What•
creation His to love shows Who Lord the of think you do What•
?them of need the from free and sufficient-self is He while
wrath His precedes Mercy Whose Lord the of think you do What•
?punishment His precedes kindness His and
killed who man a forgave Who Lord the of think you do What•
him let and repentance his accepted, persons hundred one
?Paradise into
?dog a to water gave she causebe prostitute a forgave Who Lord the of think you do What•
?people the of way the from away tree of branch a movedre who man a forgave Who Lord the of think you do What•
Paradise into woman a let Who Lord the of think you do What•
?daughter her to gave she which date a of because
good one only for you gives Who Lord the of think you do What•
?times hundred seven to up then and rewards good ten deed
your to responds
Introduction to history of polytheism and monotheism:
Allah glory be to him created all people as Muslims and monotheists but devils came to them and changed and distorted their religion. Allah said in a qudsi hadith, “I created all my slaves as haneefs monotheists , but the devils came to them, made them deviate from their religion, forbade them that which I had permitted to them, and commanded them to join partners with me for which I has given no authority.” As soon as people commit a type of polytheism, Allah sends his prophets to call them to the suitable type of monotheism.
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