📘 قراءة كتاب Hijab أونلاين

2. Definition of the word Hijab
3. Proofs of the obligation of Hijab from
4. Proofs of the obligation of Hijab from
5. Arguments by those who legalize
exposing Muslim Woman's face
6. Conclusion
Book Contents
1. Introduction
2. Definition of the word Hijab
3. Proofs ofthe obligation of Hijab from
4. Proofs of the obligation of Hijab from
5. Arguments by those who legalize
exposing Muslim Woman's face
6. Conclusion
All rights reserved for the Author
except for free distribution without
any addition, modification, or deletion
to any part of the book
All rights reserved for the Author
except for free distribution without
any addition, modification, or deletion
to any part of the book.
All Praise is due to Allah, and blessings and
peace be upon the Messenger ofAllah, His
Family, Companions and His Followers to
the Day ofResurrection.
One ofthe major issues in Islam which many
Muslims have a lot of arguments about is the
issue of "Hijab". These arguments occur
because of two reasons, namely: 1) the lack
of complete understanding of this issue and
2) the lack of knowledge or ignorance ofthe
proofs of the obligation of "Hijab" in the
Qur'an and the Sunnah. In this booklet, I
tried, with the help ofAllah, to put together
all these arguments among Muslims on the
issue of "Hijab" in focus. First, I gave the
exact definition of the word "Hijab" in its
correct meaning in the Arabic Language and
cited some Ayaat (Verses) from the Qur'an to
show how Allah til the Almighty uses the
word and thus makes its meaning more clear
for the understanding of all Muslims. Second,
I cited the proofs ofthe obligation of"Hijab"
in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Third, I hsted
the proofs ofthose who claim the legality of
exposing the woman's face and then, I stated
the corresponding explicit answers based on
the Qur'an and- the authentic Sunnah to
disprove their claim. With this presentation, I
hope that Muslims all over the world will
come to agreement and unity instead of
arsument aird/or misunderstaniling if not
falling into disputes. After all, Is-lam is a
divinF messase ihat calls the whole mankind
to the worship of One God, Allah S# the
Almiehty. Such worship, which includes,
obedi-enie to Allah's Law (iite the obligation
to wear "Hijab" for women) must be based
on the Qurian and the authbntic Sunnah of
Prophet Muhammad W. Let us always be
guilled with the following Qur'anic verses to
obey Allah {i# and His Messenger ffi:
' (,r u E, r e; f,ff5 "#_u i*,o '( But no, bv vour Rubb (Sustainer),
thsy can frqie no Faith, until - they
mcike you (O Muhammad #) iudge m
all disputei between them, aidfind in
themselves no resistance against vour
decisions, and accept (theln) with full
submission. " (a:65) -
the corresponding explicit answers based on
the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah to
disprove their claim. With this presentation, I
hope that Muslims all over the world will
come to agreement and unity instead of
argument and/or misunderstanding if not
falling into disputes. After all, Islam is a
divine messag~ that calls the whole m~~ind
to the worshIp of One God, Allah the
Almighty. Such worship, which includes,
obedience to Allah's Law (like the obligation
to wear "Hijab" for women) must be based
on the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah of
Prophet Muhammad ;i. Let us always be
guided with the following Qur' anic verses to
obey Allah and His Messenger ~:
" But no, by your Rubb (Sustainer), they can have no Faith, until they make you (0 Muhammad judge In
all dzsputes between them, andfind in
themselves no resistance againstyour decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. " (4:65)
This book talks about the value of the obligation of hijab and to beware of display and unveiling, the characteristics of the are discussed, bringing the glad tidings promised by Allah to those women adhering to it. It also points out the danger of dazzling displays of ornaments and beauty as well as the terrible repercussions in this life and in the hereafter.
سنة النشر : 2000م / 1421هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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