📘 قراءة كتاب Discover Islam أونلاين

There are few people on earth today who have not heard
something about Isldm. Yet, one is often surprised to leam that
it is really quite different from his initial impression. For Isl6m
is not as it is represented in the western media, nor is it Arab
culture, nor is it a religion in the sense of mere private
conviction (or more often, speculation) concerning the state of
Isldm is very widely known in the west for whrit it is not!
Active slandering and tarnishing of Islam has become a mission
and career for some groups in politics, in the media and the
entertainment field. The average person has heard of or has
read about Isldm mostly through sources that are critical (even
hostile), or writers who have had coroniar or missionary
motives, which have often given a certain slant to the
interpretation of Isl6m in the western mind,
Isldm is a voluntary relationship between an individual and
his creator. The outstanding difference between this and other
religions is that Isldm refuses to accept any form of creation
whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship. It emphasizes the
exclusive worship of the one who created the heavens and the
earth, to whom all creation will finally return. It is not a new
religion but the continuation and curmination of preceding
monotheistic religion - the same fruth revealed by God to every
prophet. Hence, it is for all peoples and all times.
Who sre the lVluslims?
over one and a half billion people (about one fourtlr of the
world's population) from a vast range of races, nationalities and
cultures across the globe are united by the coilrmon Isldmic
faith. Of these, about l8 percent live in the Arab world. The
world's largest Muslim community is in lndonesiao ffid
substantial parts of Asia and much of Africa are Muslim, while
significant minorities are to be found in lndia, China, Russia, as
well as North and South America" Europe and Oceania. For
Muslims, Isldm is both a religion and a complete way of life.
The Meaning of "Islfrm"
Of all the major religions of the world, Isldm stands apart in
that it does not derive its name from a tribe or person or
locality; like Judaism (from Judah), or Christianity (from
Christ) or Buddhism (from Buddha), or Hinduism (from the
land of Hind, i.e., [ndia). And Isl4m does not derive its name
from the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad is not worshipped,
nor is he regarded as the founder of Islflm or the author of its
holy scripture, the Qur'dn. The term "lslAm" occurs in more
than one place in the Qur'En itself. It is derived from the Arabic
root (slm) which connotes "peace" or "submission". Indeed, the
proper meaning of "lsldm" is tJre attainment of peace, both
inner zurd outer peace, by submission of oneself to the will of
God (A[lah). This means conscious, loving and trusting
submission, the acceptance of His grace and following of His
path. In that sense the Muslim regards Islam not as a new
religion that came in the seventh century with the advent of the
Prophet Muhammad, but as a continuation of the basic mission
of all prophets throughout history. That mission was perfected
and made universal with the last of those prophets, Muhammad.
IslUmic Monotheism
Muslims do not have a separate god of their own whom they
call "AllEh." The name "Allah" has no connotation at all of a
ffibal, Arabian or even a Muslim god. "AllEh" simply means the
one and only true, universal God of all. "AllEhi' i, u proper
lame belonging only to the one almighty God, creator and
sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is within
them, the Eternat and Absolute, to whom alone all worship is
due. God states in the eur'dn that His name is AlEh. Hence,
Muslims refer to and call on Him by His proper name, Allehr.
what are the basic attributes of Alldh? The eur'En mentions
the "best nanles" (or attributes) of Ailair. Instead of
enurnerating them all, we will examine a few. some attributes
emphasize the transcendence of Allatr. The eur'En repeatedly
makes it clear that Ail[h is beyond o'r limited perception:
"There is nothing ^like unto Him1,'1qur'An 42:l'l) "irision
perceives Him nof, but He perr"nii faltJ vision"(e'r,En
6:103) "Nor is th,ere to Him any equivaint!(e ll2;4) A
Muslim never thinks of Alhtr as having any particular image,
whether physical, human, material or otherwisi. such attributes
as "the all-Knowing," "t6g Eternal," ,'the Omnipotent," the allEncompassing," "the Just," and "the sovereigni also emphasize
lranscendence. But this does not mean that Alldtr is a mere
I rherefore, the name "Alleh" wiil be used in preference to the
word "God." ' There is no similarity whatsoever between the creator and His
;reation in essence, in attributes or in deed. 'ln the life of this world. The people of paradise, however, will be
tble to see Allah in the Hereafter.
philosophical concept or a deity far removed. Indeed, alongside
this emphasis on the transcendence of AllEh, the Qur'dn also
speaks of AlHh as a God who is close, easily approachable,
kind. affecti
either by believing tlrat some creatures of AllAh possess divinity
or by believing that they share in the divine attributes of Alleh.
To the Muslim, monotheism is not simply a dogma, thought or
belief; it is something that deeply influences one's whole
outlook on life.
What do ltluslims Believe?
Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, in the
angels created by Him, in the prophets through whom His
revelations were brought to mankind, in the Day of Judgement
and individual accountability for actions, in Cod's complete
authority over human destinyt (b. it good or bad), and in life
after death.
Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of this universe. Since man
cannot know his Creator through the physical senses, Allah has
revealed information abc
rnessengers and prophets. We are familiar with some of them
through earlier scriptures such as the Torah and the Gospel.
Every people on earth was at some time sent a messenger from
AllEh, but with the passing of generations men tended to
deviate from the true religion, often replacing it with alien ideas
t Allah's larowledge encompasses gvery aspect of His creations in
the past, present and future. Nothing occurs but with His
knowledge, ffid by His will. Good and evil exist by All6h's
decree, and everyone earns one or the other through his own
choice and by the exercise of his free will. Nonetheless, good
occurs with the help of AIIAh, while evil occurs, not against His
will but by His leave, as a trial for mankind or as a result of his
and practices. Each prophet was sent to reform his people and
turn them back to the worship of Alleh alone. The last of these
prophets was Muhammad, through whom Alldh's message was
completed. Allah promised that this final message would be
preserved for all mankind. And the words revealed by Allah
through the angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad have indeed
been passed down to us in their original Arabic text, unchanged
since the time of revelation. This scripture is called the Qur'dn.
The essence of All6h's message through all of the prophets
was: "0 mankind, worship Alldh; you have no deity other than
Him." (a 7:59,65,73,85; Also ll:50,61,84; and 23:23,32)
AllEh further states that He made this life in order to test man
so that every person may be recompensed after death for what
he earned: " [HeJ who created death and life to test you fas toJ
which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might,
the Forgivrrg." (Q 67:2) All6h alone is the judge of human
righteousness, and it is Allah alone who rewards and punishes
in this life and in the Hereafter.
Alhh is one. His unity is evident in the order, arrangement
and symmetry of the universe. He is all-knowing and all-
powerful. He is completely just and merciful. Allah has
revealed certain names and descriptions of Himself so that we
may have some understanding of His qualities and therefore
love, and at the same time, fear Him.
Nothing is worthy of worship except Him who created the
universe - not stone idols or fire, not heavenly bodies such as
the sun and moon, not animals, not angels, and not other men
(including prophets) - for all of these are His creations.
This universe was not formed by chzutce, nor is it left to
chance. Allah created it for a purpose and subjected it to
physical laws for an appointed period of time. Man was created
for a purpose as well - to worship Allah on earth and live
according to His law. This is the essence of Isldm. It is All6h
alone (who created us and knows us better than we know
ourselves) who has the right to govern our lives. And His law
means justice for atl people regardless of gender, nationality,
colour or social stafus. Human beings are judged only on the
basis of righteousness.
Man has been given a free will and has been left the choice of
whether or not he will follow the way of Allah. Funhermore, he
has been given a mind with which he is able to reason and
choose wisely. One may, by his own efforts, gain knowledge
that enables him to recognize the evidence of All6h in His
creation. By contemplation one may weigh, measwe and learn
from all situations. And finally, because the human mind and'
experience is limited, Allah has revealed the guidance we need
through prophets.
After making available the information necessary for one to
choose His way, Alldh informs us in the Qur'En that after
passing through a temporary stage of death man will bear the
consequences of his choice in a greater life to come: " Every
soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good
as triul; and to Us you will be returned." (Q 2l:35) Every
individual is personally responsible for his own deeds - both
good and evil. I.{o one else can carry the burden of his sins.
On the other hand, AllEh is always prepared to accept and
forgive any servant who has gone astray and then repents and
turns back to Him. The compensation for evil will be exact
justice, but the compensation for good will be much greater -
cornplete satisfaction and happinbss.
: A brief book that guides a person towards Islam, Islam is the religion and way of life of about one Fifth of the world’s population. Muslims are of diverse nationalities, cultures and races, but their Religion teaches that all humanity is essentially equal. It guides them to the Straight Path.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.3 ميجا بايت .
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