📘 قراءة كتاب Our Morals Following the Prophet rsquo s Path أونلاين

Merits of Good Manners ...................................................................4
Now let’s look at the great reward and absolute goodness of people with good
manners: ................................................................................................................5
Honesty .............................................................................................7
What is honesty? ....................................................................................................7
Honesty Status .......................................................................................................7
Kinds of Honesty:....................................................................................................8
Honesty in Worshipping:.........................................................................................8
Honesty in Self-Preservation: .................................................................................8
Honesty in Trusts: ...................................................................................................8
Honesty in Work:.....................................................................................................8
Honesty in Uttering Words: .....................................................................................9
Honesty in Keeping Secrets:...................................................................................9
Fruits of Honesty:....................................................................................................9
How to be Honest? .................................................................................................9
Forbearance ....................................................................................10
Fruits of Forbearance: ..........................................................................................10
There are two kinds of anger:................................................................................11
1- Praised Anger:..................................................................................................11
2- Dispraised Anger:.............................................................................................11
We can obtain and instill forbearance into our natures through some methods such as:
Forbearance Status:.............................................................................................12
What is Forbearance?...........................................................................................12
Modesty (Hayaa)..............................................................................13
Fact of Modesty: ...................................................................................................13
Status of Modesty: ................................................................................................13
What is not Modesty: ............................................................................................14
Kinds of Modesty: .................................................................................................14
1- Modesty towards Almighty Allah:......................................................................14
2- Modesty towards the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):..........................................15
3- Modesty towards Angels: .................................................................................15
3- Modesty towards People: .................................................................................16
Fruits of Modesty: .................................................................................................16
How to Adopt the Quality of Modesty: ...................................................................16
Satr (Covering and Sheltering Faults)............................................17
The Meaning of Satr:.............................................................................................18
The Status of Satr: ................................................................................................18
Satr is an attribute of Almighty Allah:....................................................................18
Satr is a Trait in the Prophets and the Righteous People: ......................................19
The Reward of Satr in the Hereafter is Great:........................................................19
Kinds of Satr (Covering): .......................................................................................20
Covering has many kinds such as: ........................................................................20
1- Covering of Awrah ([]):......................................................................................20
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2- Covering during Bathing: ..................................................................................20
3- Concealing the Secrets of Marriage:.............................
Alhamdulillah and all praises be to Allah, the Bestower of benevolence,
bounty and generosity to his servants. He is the Giver of countless blessings
to all creatures and creations. He is the Generous and the Benevolent
whose graces are visible and invisible. Thanks and praises to him at the
beginning and at the end. All thanks be to Allah. We give gratitude to
Him, we seek His help and guidance, and we ask for His forgiveness.
Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, we glorify Him, seek His help,
ask for His forgiveness and return to Him in repentance to Him. We seek
refuge in Allah the Almighty from our faults and iniquities. He whom Allah
guides, is rightly guided, but he whom Allah sends astray, you will find no
guide for him. I bear witness that no god but Allah, and I bear witness
that Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is the servant and messenger of
We thank Almighty Allah and all the Praises and Blessings be on the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the master of the messengers, the imam of
the pious and the final prophet. He is the final messenger, the leader of
goodness and the messenger of mercy.
Having good manners is a trait of the prophets, truthful and righteous
people. High degrees and ranks are achieved by following good manners.
Almighty Allah devotes a verse in the Qur’an about the manners of the
Prophet (PBUH), it relates all the high morals and best of manners to the
Prophet (PBUH). Allah says in the Qur’an: “And verily, you (O Muhammad)
are on an exalted standard of character.” (Al-Qalam: 4).
Having good manners in Islam is of a high status and favorable position.
There are many texts that praise the good behaviors and encourage
following and adhering to them. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The believers
with the most perfect faith are those with the most perfect conduct and
manners. And the best ones amongst you are those who are best to their
Our Morals Following the Prophet’s Path
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families.” (Al-Tirmidhi) The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Mankind has not been
given anything better than good manners.» (Sahih al-Jami')
Narrated Anas Ibn Malik (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) said to him: «I
command you to be of good manners and remain silent for long periods
of time, because by Him whose hand is in my soul, the creation cannot
beautify themselves with anything better than these.»
Good manners mean smiling at people’s faces, helping them, doing
goodness, treating people with kindness, and not to hurt anyone. In
short, they are every positive conduct by Muslims such as good words,
forbearance, anger suppression and forgiveness.
Now let’s look at the great reward and absolute
goodness of people with good manners:
* Having good manners and character is the heaviest good deed in
your Balance according to what the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) said:
«Nothing will be placed in the Balance (in the Day of Resurrection) heavier
than good conduct.» (Al-Tirmidhi no. 2003; al-Albany no. 5721, classified
it as Hadith Sahih)
* Having good manners and character makes you the most beloved and
closest to the Prophet (PBUH) in the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet
(PBUH) said: «The most beloved of you to me and the closest of you to
me in the Hereafter are those of you who have the best manners; the
most hated of you to me and farthest from me in the Hereafter are those
of you who have the worst manners, those who speak and do not even
care about what they are saying» (Sahih al-Jami)
* Having good manners and character is the way to enter Paradise and
reach the highest status in Paradise. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “I am a
leader, in a house in the lowest place of Paradise, of the people who
leave the argument even they were right. I am a leader, in a house in
the middle of Paradise, of the people who leave the lies even though I
Our Morals Following the Prophet’s Path
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was a joke. I am a leader, in a house in the highest place of Paradise, of
the people who have high morals.” (Narrated by Abo Dawood, hadith no
4800, approved by Al Albany in Sahih Attargheeb, hadith no 2648)
* Having good manners and character will enable the Muslim to reach by
them the rank of the person who always prays at night and fasts during
the day. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: «The person of good
manners will get the same reward as the person who prays during the
night and fasts during the day» (Sahih Al-Jami)
* In another hadith the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) mentions the
reward for one who is a musaddat, the one who is always trying to fill
in the gaps between other Muslims by being social, friendly, and having
good manners. He (PBUH) said: «The Muslim who is musaddat reaches
the darajat as-sawwam al-qawwam.» Sawwam is the one who continually
fasts and the qawwam is the one who continually stands in prayer. So the
Muslim who is very social, has good manners, and is fulfilling the rights of
his brothers reaches the level of the one who continually fasts and prays
just because of his good manners.
My dear Muslim brothers and sisters! How many good deeds have we
missed by our heedlessness of the greatness of good manners? This is an
invitation to get the highest rank in the present life and in the Hereafter
by following the best conduct and praised attitude. We should lead and
encourage ourselves to follow good manners and strive for having them.
By this, we will be following the best human and greatest role model
of humanity, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). We should
follow his example of how he treated his wives, his children, his neighbors,
his companions, the Muslims and even disbelievers and infidels.
In this series “Our Morals following the Prophet’s Path,” we will talk about
a number of the highest morals that Islam urges people to follow to get
the highest reward and rank.
Please stay with us
Our Morals Following the Prophet’s Path
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Honesty is a great trait in Islam; it is one of the foundations of the religion.
Among the meanings of honesty is devotion in worshipping Almighty
Allah, being honest in belief and never to abandon this trust of being
sincere and faithful Muslim.
It is also a great obligation carried by man, while the heavens, the earth
and the mountains refused to bury it because of its weightiness and
greatness. Allah says in the Qur’an: “Surely We presented (Literally: set
before) the Trust (i.e., Trust of devotion) to the heavens and the earth
and mountains. Yet they refused to carry it and felt timorous about it,
and man carried it. Surely he has been constantly unjust, constantly
ignorant.” (Al-Ahzab: 72)
What is honesty?
Honesty is giving, fulfilling rights and keeping them. The Muslim has to
give each person his right.
Honesty Status
1- Almighty Allah praises the believers for their honesty and
trustworthiness. He says in the Qur’an about them: “And they are the
ones who pay heed to their deposits and their covenant.” (Al-Muminun:
2- Honesty is a trait in character of the Prophet (PBUH), he was called
before prophethood as “the truthful, trustworthy man”.
3- Honesty is a sign of faith and betrayal is a sign of hypocrisy. Narrated
Abu Huraira that the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) said: «The signs of
a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks he tells a lie; whenever he
is entrusted he proves dishonest; whenever he promises he breaks his
promise.» (Sahih al-Bukhari).
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4- Honesty is the best grant from Allah to his worshipper. He should not
grieve for any difficulty or turmoil if he is characterized with an honest
approach. Narrated Ibn Omar (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)
said: “If you have four things, don’t worry about anything you missed in
this world: Truthfulness in speech, preserving one’s trust, good conduct
and purity of food.” (Musnad of Imam Ahmed)
Kinds of Honesty:
Honesty has several kinds such as:
Honesty in Worshipping:
Adhering to the commands and obligations set on the Muslim is part of
his honesty. He should fulfill these duties obligated by Almighty Allah
sincerely aiming for the reward of the Creator.
Honesty in Self-Preservation:
The Muslim has to be aware that limbs and organs are trusts that should
be kept safe and preserved. They should only be used in obedience not
any action that angers Almighty Allah.
This is a book which shows aspects of our Prophet’s life. It contains topics as: his manners, his exemplary justice, his simple life, his love for the poor, his forgiveness shown to the nonMuslims. It includes other important topics as: how did he achieve reform, can he be taken as a model for Muslims to follow and how did he instill brotherhood among Muslims?
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