📘 قراءة كتاب The Miraculous Quran أونلاين

Let me state at the outset that, after being Muslim for many years now, if I
were given the topic of “The Miraculous Quran,” as I see it now, I would be
emphasizing and discussing aspects that were completely unknown to me at
the time that I was studying Islam as a non-Muslim.
I have been studying the Quran for over thirty years now and it never fails to
fascinate me. In fact, the phenomenon of continually finding new fascinating
aspects of the Quran has been true for the Muslim scholars throughout the
years. Over the centuries, as they have spoken about the Quran, later scholars
recognize the miraculous aspects that the earlier scholars mentioned while
coming across other aspects that they consider no less remarkable and amaz-
Thus, for example, in the past cen-
tury, we have had Aishah bint al-
Shaati, Sayyid Qutb and Mustafa
Saadiq al-Raafi’ee all adding com-
ponents to the overall theory of the
miraculous nature of the Quran.1
Lately, many have emphasized
what are called the “scientific mi-
racles of the Quran,” a topic we
shall try to visit toward the end of
this lecture.
However, this lecture is about “my story” and my path to Islam via the Qu-
ran. Therefore, I will be emphasizing those aspects of the Quran that influ-
enced me the most at that time and I will give less time to other aspects that I
have studied in detail since then.
For a discussion of these recent additions to the concept of the miraculous nature of the
Quran, see Muhammad Rafii Yunus, “Modern Approaches to the Study of I’jaz al-Quran (Ph.D.
Disserta"on, University of Michigan, 1994), pp. 78-91 and 118-125
However, this lecture is about “my story” and my path to Islam via the Qu-
ran. Therefore, I will be emphasizing those aspects of the Quran that influ-
enced me the most at that time and I will give less time to other aspects that I
have studied in detail since then.
A Very Brief Introduction to the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran
I am sure that most of you have some familiarity with the Prophet Muham-
mad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and the Quran but for
some points that I will make later, I believe a very brief introduction to the
two is in order.
Muhammad was born around 570 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. He was
born in Mecca, in the Arabian Peninsula. The people of Mecca were devoted
to idol-worship. The area was not known as a place of advanced civilization
or learning at its time. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad was illiterate.
At the age of forty, Muhammad received his first revelation. Although he
was known among his people as “the trustworthy,” the majority of the Arabs
belied him and soon after started a massive campaign to persecute those who
believed in him. After thirteen years of preaching in Mecca, the Prophet him-
self left for the city of Medina, where he already had some followers. They
made him the leader of the city.
The disbelievers of Mecca did not rest and attempted to militarily squash the
new faith. However, what was originally a small band of Muslims grew in
number and were able to withstand the onslaught of the disbelievers.
Within ten years, the Prophet himself led an army back to Mecca and con-
quered it in a bloodless victory. Thus, Islam became victorious in Arabia and
began spreading throughout the world. The Prophet Muhammad, may the
mercy and blessings of God be upon him, finally died in 632.
As for the Quran, it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of
twenty-three years. It was revealed directly to him via the angel Gabriel. He
would receive the revelation and then convey it to his followers. Thus, the
Quran is very different from the Bible. There are no human contributions to
the Quran; it is only the revelation from God. In other words, you will not
find any stories about the Prophet written by his Companions in the Quran.
In fact, you will not even find in the Quran any of the Prophet’s speech out-
side of what he stated to be the revelation of the Quran. The Prophet’s own
words have been kept completely separate from the Quran.
One final note, the Quran is only in Arabic. The best translation is not the
Quran. Once you lose something in its original wording and rely only on
translation, the original is truly lost.
The Story of My Conversion and my Near Baptism
The story of my conversion is not the most fascinating. However, one aspect
is of interest: the affect that the Quran had on me.
My family moved to California from Spain. Thus, we were nominally Catho-
lic. I had very little exposure to any religion until a friend of mine in school
invited me to their church. I started attending and this was the first time that I
began to read the Bible. I was definitely taking everything very seriously.
There then came the time to be baptized. I had no problem with it except that
I decided that, since this was the first religion I was exposed to, I should just
look around at other religions to make sure that I was certain about what I
was doing. I did not think this would actually affect my final decision while,
in reality, that near baptism led me to becoming a Muslim.
I started studying about all religions I could find. This, obviously, is what led
me to the Quran.
The first and second articles are an introduction for the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and make comparison between the Quran’s content and the orientalists’ sayings about it. The third explains that in order for a religion to be true, it must be from God in a total sense and not only in its origin then the scholars distort it. The fourth and fifth mention one of the unique qualities of the Quran which is its detailed preservation, a fact which makes it much different than all other religions, confirm that the Quran itself contains proofs for its truth and requires no “leap of faith” in order to believe it, and take a look at the accusation that Muhammad borrowed or stole the Quran from other religions, particularly the Christianity and the Judaism. The sixth and seventh mention the depictions of God and the Prophets in the Quran vs. the Bible and the Talmud and explain the comprehensiveness, completeness, balance and practicality of the legislation of the Quran. The eighth shows the Quran’s effect on the generation of the Prophet and the next generations to the extent that it made them leaders of the world to guide people to the straight path. The ninth mentions a unique prophecy which dealt with events completely out of the control of the Prophet or the Arabs that the Byzantine kingdom will defeat the Persian Kingdom within three to nine years. The tenth takes a look at some of the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran which modern scientists, Muslim and nonMuslim alike, affirm as true. Finally, the eleventh shows the linguistic miracle of the Quran and refers that Allah challenged the disbelievers of Makkah to compile a book like the Quran but they failed. The challenge got into very simple standard i.e. to compile a Surah Chapter looks like any of its Surahs but they also failed.
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