❞ كتاب Word of “Quran!” Its origin and synonymous ❝  ⏤ فرحات عزيز

❞ كتاب Word of “Quran!” Its origin and synonymous ❝ ⏤ فرحات عزيز

(19) o h^ÄE°h ́ÅÊ⌦Qμh^Ë ̈1⁄2D⌦ÅEn ̈1⁄2À1 ÌÄj⌦ÅÊPÅj{ ́Ì Translation: And (it is) a Quran that We have divided that you may recite it toward mankind at intervals and We have revealed it by (successive) revelation. Richard Bell studied historically the Holy Quran without considering its advent conditions and according to his suggestion, the term of Quran was used in the religious literature of the Muslims in 614 A.D. and it reached its and in 624 A.D. whereas the usage of the word Quran is evident from the revelation of the Holy Quran.(20) As far as the literal meaning of the word Quran is concerned, it has partially explained. The explanation of the Holy Quran on which all the legislatures (Fuqaha) and the scholars of Arab have unanimously agreed upon and the philosopher have followed it, that the literary message in which every characteristics of the message are included and which should be from Allah and especially bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called the Holy Quran. In this book, there is a long list of Divine vocabulary and with its revelation, the recitation of the previous books were canceled.(21) During the revelation on the Holy Prophet, the Divine vocabulary were used. Every common and important Divine words are in fact Quranic revelation. The script is called with the famous name the Holy Quran. This name was frequently used in the presence of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and this word has frequently used in the Holy Quran. The Holy Prophet (SAW) was ordered to recite the Holy Quran by using the same word. (22) o eD ́h]zD⌦μh^Ç°EkQ©fLE⌦1⁄2ÊÀÆD⌦pFÆD⌦h E° And when you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from satan the execrable. According to the earliest attested tradition the term of the Al-Quran «0` A is used for the “Holy Quran”. This word has been used for 70 times in the Holy Quran. The western researchers have explained with the help of “F.Schwally’s” suggestion that the real origin of “the Holy Quran” has been derived from the syriac word Keryana nÁJ which means a “religious scripture” or such a book which must be read regularly, and the same meaning of this word has been presented in the Christian literature also.(1) * Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, F.C. College, Lahore The Muslim scholars’ point of view about the origin of the Al- Quran is consisted of different arguments and opinion. According to some traditions, it is considered with Hamzah VP and some traditions suggest it without Hamzah VP .

(19) oh ^ ÄE ° h ́ÅÊ⌦Qμh ^ Ë ̈1⁄2D⌦ÅEn ̈1⁄2À1 ÌÄj⌦ÅÊPÅj {الترجمة: و (هو) القرآن الذي قسمناه لتقرأه على البشر على فترات. أنزلته بالوحي (المتتالي). درس ريتشارد بيل القرآن الكريم تاريخيًا دون النظر إلى ظروف ظهوره ، ووفقًا لاقتراحه ، فقد استخدم مصطلح القرآن في الأدب الديني للمسلمين عام 614 م ، ووصل إلى عام 624 م ، بينما استخدم مصطلح القرآن. واضح من نزول القرآن الكريم. (20) وفيما يتعلق بالمعنى الحرفي لكلمة القرآن ، فقد أوضح ذلك جزئيًا. شرح القرآن الكريم الذي أجمع عليه جميع الفقهاء وعلماء العرب ، وتبعه الفيلسوف ، على أن الرسالة الأدبية التي تتضمن كل صفات الرسالة والتي ينبغي أن تكون من الله تعالى. ويطلق على الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم اسم القرآن الكريم. في هذا الكتاب قائمة طويلة من المفردات الإلهية وبوحيها ألغيت تلاوة الكتب السابقة. كل الكلمات الإلهية المشتركة والمهمة هي في الواقع وحي قرآني. يسمى السيناريو بالاسم الشهير القرآن الكريم. كثيرا ما استخدم هذا الاسم في حضور الرسول الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ، وكثيرا ما وردت هذه الكلمة في القرآن الكريم. أُمر النبي الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم) بتلاوة القرآن الكريم باستخدام نفس الكلمة. (22) o eD ́h] zD⌦μh ^ Ç ° EkQ © fLE⌦1⁄2ÊÀÆD⌦pFÆD⌦h E ° وعندما تقرأ القرآن ، استعيذ بالله من الشيطان المروع. طبقًا لأقدم روايات موثقة ، فإن مصطلح القرآن "أ" يستخدم "للقرآن الكريم". استخدمت هذه الكلمة 70 مرة في القرآن الكريم. أوضح الباحثون الغربيون بمساعدة اقتراح "ف. شوالي" أن الأصل الحقيقي لـ "القرآن الكريم" مشتق من الكلمة السريانية Keryana nÁJ والتي تعني "كتابًا دينيًا" أو مثل هذا الكتاب الذي يجب قراءته بانتظام. وقد تم عرض نفس المعنى لهذه الكلمة في الأدب المسيحي أيضًا. (1) * أستاذ مساعد بقسم الدراسات الإسلامية ، FC. كلية لاهور تتكون وجهة نظر العلماء المسلمين حول أصل القرآن من حجج وآراء مختلفة. وفقًا لبعض التقاليد ، يتم اعتباره مع Hamzah VP وبعض التقاليد تقترحه بدون Hamzah VP.
فرحات عزيز - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Word of “Quran!” Its origin and synonymous ❝ ❞ IS THE HOLY QUR’AN CREATION OR WORD OF THE ALLAH An Analytical Survey ❝ ❞ THE “COLLECTION” OF THE QUR’ĀN An Analysis the Objections of ATWelch ❝ ❞ The Literary Style and Major Themes of the Holy Qur‟ān A Critical Analysis of the Opinion of ATWelch ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Word of “Quran!” Its origin and synonymous

(19) o h^ÄE°h ́ÅÊ⌦Qμh^Ë ̈1⁄2D⌦ÅEn ̈1⁄2À1 ÌÄj⌦ÅÊPÅj{ ́Ì Translation: And (it is) a Quran that We have divided that you may recite it toward mankind at intervals and We have revealed it by (successive) revelation. Richard Bell studied historically the Holy Quran without considering its advent conditions and according to his suggestion, the term of Quran was used in the religious literature of the Muslims in 614 A.D. and it reached its and in 624 A.D. whereas the usage of the word Quran is evident from the revelation of the Holy Quran.(20) As far as the literal meaning of the word Quran is concerned, it has partially explained. The explanation of the Holy Quran on which all the legislatures (Fuqaha) and the scholars of Arab have unanimously agreed upon and the philosopher have followed it, that the literary message in which every characteristics of the message are included and which should be from Allah and especially bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (SAW) is called the Holy Quran. In this book, there is a long list of Divine vocabulary and with its revelation, the recitation of the previous books were canceled.(21) During the revelation on the Holy Prophet, the Divine vocabulary were used. Every common and important Divine words are in fact Quranic revelation. The script is called with the famous name the Holy Quran. This name was frequently used in the presence of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and this word has frequently used in the Holy Quran. The Holy Prophet (SAW) was ordered to recite the Holy Quran by using the same word. (22) o eD ́h]zD⌦μh^Ç°EkQ©fLE⌦1⁄2ÊÀÆD⌦pFÆD⌦h E° And when you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from satan the execrable. According to the earliest attested tradition the term of the Al-Quran «0` A is used for the “Holy Quran”. This word has been used for 70 times in the Holy Quran. The western researchers have explained with the help of “F.Schwally’s” suggestion that the real origin of “the Holy Quran” has been derived from the syriac word Keryana nÁJ which means a “religious scripture” or such a book which must be read regularly, and the same meaning of this word has been presented in the Christian literature also.(1) * Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, F.C. College, Lahore The Muslim scholars’ point of view about the origin of the Al- Quran is consisted of different arguments and opinion. According to some traditions, it is considered with Hamzah VP and some traditions suggest it without Hamzah VP .

(19) oh ^ ÄE ° h ́ÅÊ⌦Qμh ^ Ë ̈1⁄2D⌦ÅEn ̈1⁄2À1 ÌÄj⌦ÅÊPÅj {الترجمة: و (هو) القرآن الذي قسمناه لتقرأه على البشر على فترات. أنزلته بالوحي (المتتالي). درس ريتشارد بيل القرآن الكريم تاريخيًا دون النظر إلى ظروف ظهوره ، ووفقًا لاقتراحه ، فقد استخدم مصطلح القرآن في الأدب الديني للمسلمين عام 614 م ، ووصل إلى عام 624 م ، بينما استخدم مصطلح القرآن. واضح من نزول القرآن الكريم. (20) وفيما يتعلق بالمعنى الحرفي لكلمة القرآن ، فقد أوضح ذلك جزئيًا. شرح القرآن الكريم الذي أجمع عليه جميع الفقهاء وعلماء العرب ، وتبعه الفيلسوف ، على أن الرسالة الأدبية التي تتضمن كل صفات الرسالة والتي ينبغي أن تكون من الله تعالى. ويطلق على الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم اسم القرآن الكريم. في هذا الكتاب قائمة طويلة من المفردات الإلهية وبوحيها ألغيت تلاوة الكتب السابقة. كل الكلمات الإلهية المشتركة والمهمة هي في الواقع وحي قرآني. يسمى السيناريو بالاسم الشهير القرآن الكريم. كثيرا ما استخدم هذا الاسم في حضور الرسول الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ، وكثيرا ما وردت هذه الكلمة في القرآن الكريم. أُمر النبي الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم) بتلاوة القرآن الكريم باستخدام نفس الكلمة. (22) o eD ́h] zD⌦μh ^ Ç ° EkQ © fLE⌦1⁄2ÊÀÆD⌦pFÆD⌦h E ° وعندما تقرأ القرآن ، استعيذ بالله من الشيطان المروع. طبقًا لأقدم روايات موثقة ، فإن مصطلح القرآن "أ" يستخدم "للقرآن الكريم". استخدمت هذه الكلمة 70 مرة في القرآن الكريم. أوضح الباحثون الغربيون بمساعدة اقتراح "ف. شوالي" أن الأصل الحقيقي لـ "القرآن الكريم" مشتق من الكلمة السريانية Keryana nÁJ والتي تعني "كتابًا دينيًا" أو مثل هذا الكتاب الذي يجب قراءته بانتظام. وقد تم عرض نفس المعنى لهذه الكلمة في الأدب المسيحي أيضًا. (1) * أستاذ مساعد بقسم الدراسات الإسلامية ، FC. كلية لاهور تتكون وجهة نظر العلماء المسلمين حول أصل القرآن من حجج وآراء مختلفة. وفقًا لبعض التقاليد ، يتم اعتباره مع Hamzah VP وبعض التقاليد تقترحه بدون Hamzah VP. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

(19) oh ^ ÄE ° h ́ÅÊ⌦Qμh ^ Ë ̈1⁄2D⌦ÅEn ̈1⁄2À1 ÌÄj⌦ÅÊPÅj {
الترجمة: و (هو) القرآن الذي قسمناه لتقرأه
على البشر على فترات. أنزلته بالوحي (المتتالي).
درس ريتشارد بيل القرآن الكريم تاريخيًا دون النظر إلى
ظروف ظهوره ، ووفقًا لاقتراحه ، فقد استخدم مصطلح القرآن في
الأدب الديني للمسلمين عام 614 م ، ووصل إلى عام 624 م ، بينما استخدم
مصطلح القرآن. واضح من نزول القرآن الكريم. (20) وفيما يتعلق
بالمعنى الحرفي لكلمة القرآن ، فقد أوضح ذلك جزئيًا. و
تفسير القرآن الكريم الذي تعتمد عليه كل التشريعية (الفقهاء) وعلماء
لقد اتفق العرب بالإجماع وتبعه الفيلسوف على أن
الرسالة الأدبية التي تتضمن كل خصائص الرسالة والتي ينبغي أن تكون
من الله ولا سيما على الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم تسمى
القرآن الكريم. في هذا الكتاب قائمة طويلة من المفردات الإلهية وبوحيها
ألغيت تلاوة الكتب السابقة
. كل الكلمات الإلهية المشتركة والمهمة
هي في الواقع وحي قرآني. يسمى السيناريو بالاسم الشهير القرآن الكريم.
وكثيرا ما استخدم هذا الاسم في حضور الرسول الكريم (ص) وهذه الكلمة
كثيرا ما يستخدم في القرآن الكريم. أُمر النبي الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم) بتلاوة
القرآن الكريم باستخدام نفس الكلمة.
(22) o eD ́h] zD⌦μh ^ Ç ° EkQ © fLE⌦1⁄2ÊÀÆD⌦pFÆD⌦h E °
وعندما تقرأ القرآن ، استعيذ بالله من الشيطان المروع.
طبقًا لأقدم روايات موثقة ، فإن مصطلح القرآن
يستخدم "للقرآن الكريم". استخدمت هذه الكلمة 70
مرة في القرآن الكريم. أوضح الباحثون الغربيون
بمساعدة اقتراح "ف. شوالي" أن الأصل الحقيقي لـ "القرآن الكريم"
مشتق من الكلمة السريانية
Keryana nÁJ.

which means a
“religious scripture” or such a book which must be read regularly, and the
same meaning of this word has been presented in the Christian literature
* Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, F.C. College, Lahore

The Muslim scholars’ point of view about the origin of the Al-
Quran is consisted of different arguments and opinion. According to some

traditions, it is considered with Hamzah VP

and some traditions suggest

it without Hamzah

A.T. Welch, the author of ‘Encyclopaedia of Islam’, it is the tradition of
‘Qatada’ and ‘Abu Ubaida’ 'U
to suggest this word without Hamzah

because those are who read it with Hamzah.(2)
The difference about this matter as follow:
According to one tradition, Imam Shafi È⌧rÇ

says that the word ‘Al-
Quran’ «0`


which is added with the prefix of superiority “Alif-Lam-
Miem”, is neither derived nor with Hamzah rather it is a non-derivable

word and it is used as a name for this Holy message, which was revealed
upon the Holy Prophet (SAW). According to Imam Shafi È⌧rÇ
, this

word is not originated from Qira’at nÁA@!

‘Recitation’. If the origin of
‘Quran’ was the word of the derived from ‘Qira’at, every readable book
would be called ‘Quran’. In fact, it is not correct. According to Imam
Shafi, ‘Quran’ is the name of the ‘Divine book’ like ‘Anjeel and Taurat.”

According to the other tradition, the saying of ‘Fara’ cÁA@

(d207 A.H.)

that Quran is originated from the word ‘qarain’ nÁAÓ

which singular is

qarina nÁÂ

(that means symbol). Quranic verses are similar with one
another that’s why they are the symbol for one another. It is evident that
‘Noon’ is real in the word ‘qarain’ nÁAÓ

.(4). That’s why Quran cannot

be originated from the qira’at nÁA@!

. According to one saying, the

meaning of ‘Al-qira’atu
1«A@Î A
is the collection of words and sentences in
an accordance, because qira’at is not the pronunciation of just one word and
neither, usually it is used for the plural of every thing.(5) On the other
hand, according to ‘Al-Harvi’, to probe the plural of everything is
qira’at nÁA@!

The third tradition is consisted of a saying of Imam Ashari ⌧AaT
324 A.H.) and their followers. According to them, the word Quran is
originated from hÇD⌦pØLE⌦pØ'  ́( (the interlink of one thing with the other)
because the aya or verses and surahs of the Holy Quran are interlinked
that’s why, it is called the ‘Quran’ for the benefits and consequences of all
the recitals are in it. (8)


To prove that the Al-Quran «0`
without Hamzah
in all
these above traditions, is the evidence of the fact that this ideology is the
antithesis according to the ideology of rules of derivation and format
language. The persons who suggest that Quran is with Hamzah, their
suggestions as follow:
(d 311 A.H.) says that Quran is with Hamzah
according to the usage of verbs (grammar). It’s origin is al-qarau «A@Ì
(to collect). It is used in Arabic language i.e. ÖÞD⌦ÁÞÖÞ°D⌦Í[' hÞ ́Þ
collect water in a pond. This word Quran is used for the Holy Quran
because the benefits and consequences of all the previous revelations have
been collected in it.(9)
The second tradition is the saying of Allama al-Hayani É
· ̄A
(d 215
A.H.) that Quran is with Hamzah due to the infinitive “ghufran” DA`
(rationalise-logical). Its origin ‘qura-u’ ÖÜ'hÞ ́Ü
(recite) is used for the
‘Quran’ because it is recited as if infinitive is used for noun object.(10)
The second tradition is much more authentic and logical. The word
‘Quran” is an infinitive like ‘qira’at’ nÁA@!

as both of them have no

difference between meaning and explanation. As Allah says,
o °EeD ́h]ÄEË°EPMa ́hDÄÊ o  ̈1⁄2ÅEÁ©ÊÌ ́h^ÄÊ ÇD
Translation: Surely its collection and recitation are our responsibility. So
as we recite it, follow its reading.(11)
In the period of ignorance, when the Arab were accustomed to the
word “qirah”, ÖÞ'hÞ ́Þ
they began to use it for other meanings instead of

reciting. They spoke:
fËD⌦ÅE ́Î⌦ÂPμhÖk1⁄2 ́¢ È
Translation: Neither this camel (female) became pregnant not it gave
birth to any child.
The famous poet of the ignorance peoride Umer bin Kalsoom says:
This word ‘qirah’
h] ́
is used for seventeen times in the Holy
Quran. It is usually used for reading whereas its meaning is recitation.(13)
Subhi Sa’lahe explains the discussion about the word ‘qara’
ÖÞ'hÞ ́Þ
by saying that ‘qara’ means reading or recitation. The Arab derived it
from the Arami.(14) They used in their language because Bergistrasser
says that Arami, African and Persian languages have impressed the Arabic
with great fashion because these languages were the possession of those
nations who were greatly civilized and cultured and these nations were


inhabitants of the surrounding areas of the Arab teritory before the
migration. That’s why, according to Subhi Sa’lahe, the word ‘qara’
ÖÞ'hÞ ́Þ
was originated from the Arami. The Arab had begun to use this word
for the meaning of recitation before Islam. It is surely evident that the Arab
had made it Arabic therefore, the Divine book can be given name ‘Quran’.
A.T.Welch has explained in the Encyclopeadia of Islam that the origin of
word Quran was derived from Arami.(15)

Á©F ⌦D
suggests that it is not doubtful that many
orientalists and the experts of Hadith (Muhadseen) were very impressed by
the discussion on the Arabic lasnguage as Subhi Sa’lahe explained that the
meaning of the word ‘qara’
h] ́
is recitation and it was derived from the
Arami language and it has probed excellently. It is possible that the thing
which the Arab used before Islam, it will be used accordingly these days
and this thing is enough appreciatable for the foreign vocabulary, as the use
of name of Quran was, common before the advent of Islam whereas the
Divine book Quran was not the modern book for the Arab rather this is
consisted of Tauheed belief, which was unfamiliar for the Arab.(16) The
idea of Qatrab |☯

in the ‘Lasan-ul-Arab” X`A☯

inappropriate(17) because the meaning of the word ‘qara’
h] ́
in the
sense of revelation and the Arab usage is concerned with the meaning of
. In this way, this kind of discussion has been continuing in the
grammar or language book for the ancient times and the researchers could
not get the root whereas the argument is evident and any suggestions and
comments are not essential to explain.
As far as the difference in the research of the Ulmas about the origin
of the word ‘Quran’ «0`
is concerned, Imam Sauti Õ

has adopted

على اقتراح الإمام الشافعي È⌧rÇ
والالوسي Åμ
هو أيضا من
الرأي. لقد اتبع الإمام السوتي الإمام الشافعي فقط من أجل
العقيدة الدينية ولم يناقش أبدًا أي حجة ولم يشرح شيئًا.
لا شك في أن صيغة المصدر الحقيقي للقرآن، وفقا لZajaj وآل الحياني، هو
مع الهمزة وتفسيره هو آيات من سورة Qayama. (18)
وبقدر ما يتعلق الأمر RD⌦pØLE⌦pØ ه، اعتمدت Ulams هذا
الاقتراح عند ظهور القرآن الكريم وقال إن القرآن
نشأ من qarian nÁAÓ

وكان بدون حمزة.






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فرحات عزيز - Farhat Aziz

كتب فرحات عزيز ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Word of “Quran!” Its origin and synonymous ❝ ❞ IS THE HOLY QUR’AN CREATION OR WORD OF THE ALLAH An Analytical Survey ❝ ❞ THE “COLLECTION” OF THE QUR’ĀN An Analysis the Objections of ATWelch ❝ ❞ The Literary Style and Major Themes of the Holy Qur‟ān A Critical Analysis of the Opinion of ATWelch ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب فرحات عزيز