📘 قراءة كتاب Islam Christianity And the Environment أونلاين

Introduction | VII
Dr. Ingrid Mattson
The Islamic View on Consumption & Material
Development in Light of Environmental Pollution | 1
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann
The Protection of Animals in Islam | 19
Dr. Martin Arneth
Basic Demands Established in the Christian
Bible to Assume Responsibility for the World | 25
Dr. Dietmar Mieth
Christian Conceptions of Creation, Environmental Ethics,
and the Ecological Challenge Today | 39
Notes on Contributors | 87
Appendix: Joint Statement on the
Uppsala Interfaith Climate Manifesto 2008 | 89
n September 2010, the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for
Islamic Thought in cooperation with the Eugen-Biser
Foundation (Germany) held a symposium entitled ‘Is-
lam, Christianity and the Environment’ at the Baptism Site
in Jordan.
The symposium was another event in the series of dia-
logues driven by the global Muslim-Christian interfaith ini-
tiative, A Common Word (acommonword.com).
It brought together a small group of Muslim and Christian
scholars to discuss how each religion views the environment.
This exchange helped both sides achieve a better understand-
ing of each others’ perspective, and also led to a strengthening
of the response from all faiths to the current environmental
crisis. All participants ended the event by endorsing HE Arch-
bishop of Sweden Anders Wejrud’s environmental initiative,
[The Uppsala Manifesto], which calls for religious communi-
ties to rally toward a global climate strategy.
This booklet brings together four papers presented at the
omparison of Religions Ahmed Shalabi pdf
Comparative book of religions
The emergence of the science of comparative religions among Muslims and Westerners
Comparative Religion Diploma
Comparison of Heavenly Religions
Comparison of the three divine religions
Definition of heavenly religions
Search for heavenly religions
Respect religions in Islam
Is it permissible to respect other religions?
سنة النشر : 2011م / 1432هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 740.1 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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