❞ كتاب This is Mohammad ❝  ⏤ كاتب غير معروف

❞ كتاب This is Mohammad ❝ ⏤ كاتب غير معروف

Nearly four thousand years ago, in the Sumerian town of Ur
in the valley of the river Euphrates, lived a young man named
Abraham. The people of Ur had once worshipped Allah but as
time passed they forgot the true religion and started praying
to idols, statues made of wood or clay and sometimes even of
precious stones. Even as a small child Abraham could not
understand how his people, and especially his father, could
make these images with their own hands, call them gods, and
then worship them. He had always refused to join his people
when they paid respect to these statues. Instead he would
leave the town and sit alone, thinking about the heavens and
the world about him. He was sure his people were doing wrong
and so alone he searched for the right way. One clear night as
he sat staring at the sky he saw a beautiful shining star, so
beautiful that he cried out: ‘This must be Allah!' He looked at it
in awe for some time, until suddenly it began to fade and then
it disappeared. He turned away in disappointment saying: I
love not things that set. (Koran vi.77)

This is Mohammad, a short and very creative book about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), dealt with his qualities and ethics and his dealings with the violators and his method of advocacy, and what happened through the events, from the call in Mecca to immigration to the city, and began invasions The book sheds light on his education, peace be upon him to the companions and then complete the walk and extend the call in many places and the entry of many people in Islam after the Muslims were very few, and other events addressed by the author and highlights some important events and distinction in the history of Islam , And highlights us the role of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Him.
كاتب غير معروف - يشمل يركن (كاتب غير معروف) كل الكتب التي لا يعرف مؤلفيها، حيث أن العمل في شيء بالشكل المجهول هو التدخل بشكل شخصي دون استخدام اسم محدد أو التعريف عن الهوية، وتشير حالة "غير معروف" أو "المجهول" عادة إلى حالة شخص ما بدون معرفة عامة لشخصيته أو لمعلومات تحدد هويته.

هناك العديد من الأسباب التي يختار من أجلها شخص ما إخفاء شخصيته أو أن يصبح مجهولا. يكون بعض تلك الأسباب قانونيا أو اجتماعيا، مثل إجراء الأعمال الخيرية أو دفع التبرعات بشكل مجهول، حيث يرغب بعض من المتبرعين بعدم الإشارة إلى تبرعاتهم بأي شكل يرتبط بشخصهم.

كما أن من يتعرض أو قد يتعرض للتهديد من قبل طرف ما يميل إلى إخفاء هويته، مثل الشهود في محاكمات الجرائم، أو الاتصال بشكل مجهول بالسلطات للإدلاء بمعلومات تفيد مسار التحقيق في القضايا العالقة. كما أن المجرمين بشكل عام يحاولون إبقاء أنفسهم مجهولي الهوية سواء من أجل منع إشهار حقيقة ارتكابهم للجريمة أو لتجنب القبض عليهم.

من كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
This is Mohammad

Nearly four thousand years ago, in the Sumerian town of Ur
in the valley of the river Euphrates, lived a young man named
Abraham. The people of Ur had once worshipped Allah but as
time passed they forgot the true religion and started praying
to idols, statues made of wood or clay and sometimes even of
precious stones. Even as a small child Abraham could not
understand how his people, and especially his father, could
make these images with their own hands, call them gods, and
then worship them. He had always refused to join his people
when they paid respect to these statues. Instead he would
leave the town and sit alone, thinking about the heavens and
the world about him. He was sure his people were doing wrong
and so alone he searched for the right way. One clear night as
he sat staring at the sky he saw a beautiful shining star, so
beautiful that he cried out: ‘This must be Allah!' He looked at it
in awe for some time, until suddenly it began to fade and then
it disappeared. He turned away in disappointment saying: I
love not things that set. (Koran vi.77)

This is Mohammad, a short and very creative book about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), dealt with his qualities and ethics and his dealings with the violators and his method of advocacy, and what happened through the events, from the call in Mecca to immigration to the city, and began invasions The book sheds light on his education, peace be upon him to the companions and then complete the walk and extend the call in many places and the entry of many people in Islam after the Muslims were very few, and other events addressed by the author and highlights some important events and distinction in the history of Islam , And highlights us the role of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Him. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

Nearly four thousand years ago, in the Sumerian town of Ur
in the valley of the river Euphrates, lived a young man named
Abraham. The people of Ur had once worshipped Allah but as
time passed they forgot the true religion and started praying
to idols, statues made of wood or clay and sometimes even of
precious stones. Even as a small child Abraham could not
understand how his people, and especially his father, could
make these images with their own hands, call them gods, and
then worship them. He had always refused to join his people
when they paid respect to these statues. Instead he would
leave the town and sit alone, thinking about the heavens and
the world about him. He was sure his people were doing wrong
and so alone he searched for the right way. One clear night as
he sat staring at the sky he saw a beautiful shining star, so
beautiful that he cried out: ‘This must be Allah!' He looked at it
in awe for some time, until suddenly it began to fade and then
it disappeared. He turned away in disappointment saying: I
love not things that set. (Koran vi.77)

On another night Abraham was again looking at the sky and
he saw the rising moon, so big and bright that he felt he could
almost touch it. He thought to himself: This is my Lord. (Koran
vi.78) But it was not long before the moon set as well. Then he
said, Unless my Lord guide me, I surely shall become one of
the folk who are astray. (Koran vi.78) Abraham then saw the
beauty and splendor of the sunrise and decided that the sun
must be the biggest and most powerful thing in the universe.
But for the third time he was wrong, for the sun set at the end
of the day. It was then that he realized that Allah is the Most
Powerful, the Creator of the stars, the moon, the sun, the
earth and of all living things. Suddenly he felt himself totally at
peace, because he knew that he had found the Truth.



This is Mohammad, a short and very creative book about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), dealt with his qualities and ethics and his dealings with the violators and his method of advocacy, and what happened through the events, from the call in Mecca to immigration to the city, and began invasions The book sheds light on his education, peace be upon him to the companions and then complete the walk and extend the call in many places and the entry of many people in Islam after the Muslims were very few, and other events addressed by the author and highlights some important events and distinction in the history of Islam , And highlights us the role of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Him.

حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.3 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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كاتب غير معروف - LINDSI MORAN

كتب كاتب غير معروف يشمل يركن (كاتب غير معروف) كل الكتب التي لا يعرف مؤلفيها، حيث أن العمل في شيء بالشكل المجهول هو التدخل بشكل شخصي دون استخدام اسم محدد أو التعريف عن الهوية، وتشير حالة "غير معروف" أو "المجهول" عادة إلى حالة شخص ما بدون معرفة عامة لشخصيته أو لمعلومات تحدد هويته. هناك العديد من الأسباب التي يختار من أجلها شخص ما إخفاء شخصيته أو أن يصبح مجهولا. يكون بعض تلك الأسباب قانونيا أو اجتماعيا، مثل إجراء الأعمال الخيرية أو دفع التبرعات بشكل مجهول، حيث يرغب بعض من المتبرعين بعدم الإشارة إلى تبرعاتهم بأي شكل يرتبط بشخصهم. كما أن من يتعرض أو قد يتعرض للتهديد من قبل طرف ما يميل إلى إخفاء هويته، مثل الشهود في محاكمات الجرائم، أو الاتصال بشكل مجهول بالسلطات للإدلاء بمعلومات تفيد مسار التحقيق في القضايا العالقة. كما أن المجرمين بشكل عام يحاولون إبقاء أنفسهم مجهولي الهوية سواء من أجل منع إشهار حقيقة ارتكابهم للجريمة أو لتجنب القبض عليهم. . المزيد..

كتب كاتب غير معروف