📘 قراءة كتاب The Perfect Believer أونلاين

Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Meaning of Iman
Is Iman the same like Faith?
Differences between Islam, Iman, and Ihsan 14
The Rank of Islam 14
The Rank of Iman 15
The Rank of Ihsan 16
Chapter Two : Meaning of the Hadeeth 18
Branches of Iman 18
Iman Increases and Decreases 19
The Tree of Iman 21
Chapter Three: The Improtance of Haya’ 27
Haya’ is important for the survival of Iman 27
Haya’ is not Shyness 27
Is Haya’ natural or acquired? 28
Why was Haya’ Specified in the Hadeeth
? 28
Haya’ and our Life 30
Highest Rank of Haya’ 30
Haya’ and Self-control 31
Haya’ in Speech 31
Haya’ and Dignity 31
Haya’ in our Relationship with People 32
Chapter Four : The Basics of Iman 33
The six pillars of Iman 33
Iman in Allah 33
Iman in the Angels of Allah 34
Iman in the Books of Allah 36
Iman in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah 38
Iman in the Last Day 39
Iman in Al-Qadar (Fate - Divine Destiny) 47
Misconceptions about Qadar 56
Chapter Five : Perfection of Iman 62
The six pillars of Iman 62
Total Submission without Doubts 63
Full Acceptance without any Hesitation 64
Seeking Knowledge 66
Purification of the Heart 68
Striving in Good Deeds 74
Keeping the Company of Guided People 77
Fruits of Iman 80
Chapter Six: Nullifications of Iman 92
Acts of Kufr and Shirk 92
Hypocrisy 96
Rejecting the Judgment of Allah and His Messenger 96
Rejection of Some Parts of Islam 97
Rejecting Sunnah 98
Failure to Confess Iman 100
Iman at the Wrong Time 101
Iman out of compulsion 102
Indulgence in Bid’ah 103
Indulgence in misdeeds 104
Neglecting Obligations 104
Sins invite afflictions and misfortunes 105
Negligence of Good Deeds 106
References 109
Books of the Author 111
I am deeply grateful to Almighty Allah, Subhanahu Wata’la, for
guiding me to start this series of Hadeeth studies. A selection of
Prophet’s traditions from Saheeh Al-Bukhari, the most authentic book
after The Noble Qur’aan, are explained in some details emphasizing
their effect in our life.
This series of Hadeeth studies is a humble attempt toward better
understanding of Sunnah, its important role in our life and revival
of Islamic heritage at large.
I thank Allah, Subhanahu Wata’la, for offering me the chance to
teach these selected traditions and share this knowledge with many
of my sisters in IPC (Islam Presentation Committee, Kuwait). I pray
to Allah, from all my heart to accept this work and make it sincerely
for His sake.
“Say : Truly, my prayers, my services of sacrifice, my life,
and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
There is no partners with him. This am I commanded,
and I am the first of Muslims ( of those who submit to His
His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else. Who loves
a person and he loves him only for Allah’s sake. Who hates
to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown
into the fire.” Al-Bukhari
- The Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa-sallam, said, “Whoever
believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not hurt his
neighbor and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
should serve his guest generously and whoever believes in
Allah and the Last Day, should talk what is good or keep
quiet.” Al-Bukhari
- “Love for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the
Ansar is a sign of hypocrisy.” Al-Bukhari
- “No adulterer commits adultery while he is having Iman,
no drinker drinks wine while he is having Iman, and no
thief commits theft while he is having Iman” Al-Bukhari and
- “The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand another
Muslim is safe. The Mu’min is one whom people trust with
their lives and property. The Muhajir (emigrant) is the one
who abandons evil. The Mujahid is the one who strives
against his self in the obedience of Allah.” Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhi, and
What is Iman?
Iman is poorly translated as faith. A better translation could be:
“faith based on reasoning and conviction”
While faith, in the Christian traditions, depends on no proofs, Iman
in Islamic traditions must involve reasoning and understanding,
with full mental acceptance based upon well established evidences.
It must also be complemented with good deeds and noble virtues in
order to bring about its fruit.
Iman is freely chosen; it is acquired and maintained through
reasoning and conviction. This is why there is no compulsion in
Abu-Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him narrated that
the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said: “Eman (faith)
consists of some sixty branches. And Haya’ is a branch of
More Traditions
Here more traditions related to the above Hadeeth. The Prophet,
sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said :
- “Haya’ is a part of Iman” Al-Bukhari
- “Haya’ produces nothing but goodness” Al-Bukhari
- “From among the words people obtained from the first
prophethood are: If you feel no Haya’ then do as you wish”
- “Iman consists of some seventy branches. The highest of
them is saying “There is no god but Allah”, and the lowest
of them is removing harm from the road. And Haya’ is a
branch of Iman.” Muslim, Abu Dawud and Nasa’i
- “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim)
brother what he likes for himself.” Al-Bukhari
- “By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have
faith till he loves me more than his father and his children.”
- “None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his
father, his children and all mankind.” Al-Bukhari
- “Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have
the sweetness (delight) of faith: The one to whom Allah and
religsion. Islam is well known of its rationality; because of this there
was no contradiction between Iman and science as it was the case in
Christian Europe.
Iman is based on reasoning and logic, as well as observations and
evidences found in the universe. Logic and reasoning prove that
nothing could exist in this world by its own, there have to be a
Creator: The Originator, or The Maker; the Qur’aan says:
“Were they created out of nothing ? Or were themselves
the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth?
Nay, but they are sure of nothing.” [52 – 35:36]
A great part of Qur’aan encourages man to look for the signs of
Allah, in himself and the universe, order to be convinced that He is
truly One God, and strengthens his Iman in Him.
1) “Verily in the creation of heavens and earth and
alteration of day and night there are signs for those who
have sense.” [3 – 190]
2) “Let man consider and look at his food. How We
pour down water in showers. Then We split the earth in
clefts. And We produce in it grain. And grapes and fresh
vegatation. And olives and palm trees. And gardens,
dense with lofty trees. And fruits and all kinds of grass. An
enjoyment for you and your cattle” [80 – 24]
3) “Let man consider from what he was created” [86 – 5]
Indeed, the miracles and signs of Allah, Subhanahu Wata’la, are
abundant around us in every place and at any time. At present, the
modern science is revealing to us more and more of the signs of
Allah; modern science convinces people that Prophet Muhammad,
sallallahu `alayhi wa-sallam, is truthful in his call, and Qur’aan
could never be his words;
Allah, Subhanahu Wata’la, promised in Qur’aan that He will show
mankind, at all times, evidences and proofs enough to make it
manifest to them that the Message of Islam is the Truth; so that they
will have no excuses not to believe in
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Meaning of Iman 6
Is Iman the same like Faith? 7
Differences between Islam, Iman, and Ihsan 14
The Rank of Islam 14
The Rank of Iman 15
The Rank of Ihsan 16
Chapter Two : Meaning of the Hadeeth 18
Branches of Iman 18
Iman Increases and Decreases 19
The Tree of Iman 21
Chapter Three: The Improtance of Haya’ 27
Haya’ is important for the survival of Iman 27
Haya’ is not Shyness 27
Is Haya’ natural or acquired? 28
Why was Haya’ Specified in the Hadeeth? 28
Haya’ and our Life 30
Highest Rank of Haya’ 30
Haya’ and Self-control 31
Haya’ in Speech 31
Haya’ and Dignity 31
Haya’ in our Relationship with People 32
Chapter Four : The Basics of Iman 33
The six pillars of Iman 33
Iman in Allah 33
Iman in the Angels of Allah 34
Iman in the Books of Allah 36
Iman in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah 38
Iman in the Last Day 39
Iman in Al-Qadar (Fate - Divine Destiny) 47
Misconceptions about Qadar 56
Chapter Five : Perfection of Iman 62
The six pillars of Iman 62
Total Submission without Doubts 63
Full Acceptance without any Hesitation 64
Seeking Knowledge 66
Purification of the Heart 68
Striving in Good Deeds 74
Keeping the Company of Guided People 77
Fruits of Iman 80
Chapter Six: Nullifications of Iman 92
Acts of Kufr and Shirk 92
Hypocrisy 96
Rejecting the Judgment of Allah and His Messenger 96
Rejection of Some Parts of Islam 97
Rejecting Sunnah 98
Failure to Confess Iman 100
Iman at the Wrong Time 101
Iman out of compulsion 102
Indulgence in Bid’ah 103
Indulgence in misdeeds 104
Neglecting Obligations 104
Sins invite afflictions and misfortunes 105
Negligence of Good Deeds 106
References 109
Books of the Author
Book author :
سنة النشر : 2016م / 1437هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 541.3 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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