📘 قراءة كتاب ISLAM FAR EASTERN RELIGIONS أونلاين

he superstitious Far Eastern religions are a mystery to most.
When superstitious faiths like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism,
Sikhism, Shinto, Confucianism and Taoism are mentioned, peo-
ple tend to think of religious communities who worship or pray to idols
carved out of stone or wood, make offerings to and put on shows of
seeming respect for them and perform mysterious ceremonies in dimly
lit temples. The superstitious Eastern religions with their 1.5 billion be-
lievers worldwide, represent a gloomy life filled with pagan rituals, so-
cial injustices and miserable conditions, that is to say, a warped life. The
most fundamental mistake of the believers in these superstitious faiths
is that they deny the certainty of Allah’s existence (Allah is beyond that)
and put their faith into hundreds of millions of idols, perversely wor-
shipping them and ignorantly hoping for help and salvation from them.
This book will reveal the flawed aspects, perversions, irrational and
illogical practices, as well as the teachings that sanction the racism, vi-
olence and cruelty of these superstitious Eastern religions, as well as the
teachings that, in their own minds, sanction racism, violence and cru-
elty. We hope that the practitioners of these religions will come to real-
ize the perverted nature of their lifestyles and the losses that following
blindly in the footsteps of their forefather’s causes them in this life, as
well as in the Hereafter, so they can leave these pagan beliefs behind
and surrender to Allah
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 30 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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