📘 قراءة كتاب This is Mohammed Messenger of Mercy أونلاين

Nicholas added: "I stopped at the scene when the prophet gathered his companions for
consultation. He was not a self-centered ruler or a dictator despising others. Having a great
love and respect of the prophet, Salman with his long legs and thick hair came up from the
high plateau near Medina. He said: "Medina is fortied by the mountains and the surround-
ing rock, however, there is a wide gap that the enemies can break into".
Had learned in Persia a lot of tricks of war, Salman suggested to the prophet digging a trench
to cover all open area around Medina that sounded odd to the Arab known war strategies.
The prophet approved his idea which unexpectedly surprised Quraish troops and remained
in their tents for a month and are unable to storm the city. So, Allah sent them one night wind
"Sarsar winds" and uprooted all tents. Then, Abu Suan called upon soldiers and commanded
them to go back home.
Jewish Spanish Professor Nicholas:
The Prophet's humbleness led me to Islam
Messenger Of Mercy
Jewish Spanish Professor Nicholas:
The Prophet's humbleness led him to Islam
His heart was burning of caring for his mother, who had not converted to Islam, although his
father had told him before stepping up his soul to the sky that he knew that Islam is the true
religion, but he could not be declare that. The Spanish Professor, Who was a Jew and became a
dāia to Islam, hopes each Muslim to invite his/her mother to accept Islam in her life time and
not being arrogant.
Nicholas Turejanoh, professor of Arabic at the University of "Malaga" Spain, said: "I converted to
Islam when I studied the biography of the prophet peace be upon him. I started my interest in
religion since childhood. Being a student at a Catholic school, I read the traditions and heritage
of all prophets in the Torah and the Gospels. The most striking point was that of Abraham and
Jacob peace be upon both of them. However, I was highly inuenced by the story of the
Book author :
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 603.5 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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