📘 قراءة كتاب ARABS and ISRAEL Conflict or Conciliation أونلاين

LEARN FROM THE JEWS - The title of the book 'ARABS and ISRAEL - Conflict or Conciliation?'
was the title of a debate between the author of the book and Dr. E. Lottem in 1982. The topic of
which was chosen by the Jews - more, detail in the next chapter 'HEADS I WIN - TAILS YOU
However, before reading on have a second look at the cover of the book - there's nothing
contrived about it. The first, a Muslim woman has just retrieved her 'little David' from the clutches
of the Israeli soldiers. The second, a Jewish lad, perhaps the grandson of one who escaped the
Nazi incinerators in Germany during the 'Holocaust'. His mission in life - with the prophetic words
'!written on his helmet - 'BORN TO KILL
The only thing missing is the Swastika on his armband. What irony - the persecuted has now
!become the persecutor
During one of my overseas flights and being restless as usual I had an insatiable hunger to read,
browsing through all the English newspapers I could lay my hands on. Next came the magazines
'Time,' 'Newsweek,' etc.; until, as destiny would have it, I stumbled across a non-too-familiar
'.magazine in which I read 'You deserve to know the facts about...... Jordan
I could not help but marvel at the ingenuity of our Jewish cousins. There is a lot we could learn
from them. They are God's "guinea-pigs" for mankind. Learn from their history, in the Qur'an and
the Bible. Eschew their pride, their arrogance, their rebelliousness which lead them to their
repeated bandages. Emulate their patience, their perseverance and their planning which brought
.Palestine under their control a second time:
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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