📘 قراءة كتاب Hajj: Journey of Hearts أونلاين

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HajjJourney of Hearts-2-Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................3Chapter One: 10 Blessed
Days.........................................................6Benefits of Dhul-Hijjah Days.........................................................7A Little Effort Goes a Long Way.................................................12Chapter Two:Attractions for Soul................................................22The Message of Pilgrimage........................................................23Hajj: A Precious Call....................................................................29Hajj: Black or White Dots?..........................................................39Hajj: Renewal of Self.................................................................44An Experience to Inspire Your Whole Life................................51Chapter Three:Hajj Stories...........................................................56Malcolm X and the Transforming Power of Hajj......................57Finding Spirituality in Pilgrimage..............................................64Hajj: A Journey Within and Without..........................................70AboutWriters.................................................................................77
Hajj Journey of Hearts-3-Introduction
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Nowadays, Saudi Arabia is receiving thousands of air flights carrying hundreds of thousands, even millions,of Muslims coming from all corners of the worlds to perform Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam.
HajjJourney of Hearts-4-For a true Muslim, This is a very special journey. No other travel, whatever the attraction or spectacular scenes it may include, can be comparable to this journey to Makkah and the holy sites.One aspect that makes the journey of Hajj so unique is that rather than focusing on the material attractions and physical pleasures, it nourishes the spiritual and inner side of the human being. It focuses on the welfare of the most important component of a human that is often ignored and neglected, namely the souland heart.Hajj, therefore, is a journey of the heart to true attractions that do matter. During this unique experience, a pilgrim gets showered with the divine graceand blessings; the holy sites evoke great stories of sacrifice and dedication; and pilgrims, individually and collectively, are engaged in an intensive course of worship and sincere devotion.This new book from Onislam.net focuses on this spiritual atmosphere. In Chapter one,10 Blessed Days, the special status of the days of Hajj are highlighted. These are veryspecial days; their blessings are so expansive that all Muslims,
not only pilgrims, can benefit from them
سنة النشر : 2014م / 1435هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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