📘 قراءة كتاب What Does it Mean: You Are a Muslim أونلاين

What is the genuine representative faction of Islam .................................................... 10
Time changing ............................................................................................................. 12
Allah is the only characterized with absolute perfection ............................................. 13
Why man is created? .................................................................................................... 14
Reward and Punishment .............................................................................................. 14
Nobody excluded ......................................................................................................... 16
All braise and thanks to "Allah", the Lord of the whole being.
As you know, the matter of coming to this world is arbitrary. Nobody has
come to this worldly life by his choice and nobody departs by his choice as
Now, from where did the person come and where does he go when he
departs?? And what happens to him?? is he remains alive but in another
form of life (only spiritual?) Or he perishes completely??.
Other questions about the environment he lives in... for example the unity
of the life system and conditions, without which man will never remain
alive even for a few minutes, such as oxygen, moderate gravity, food ,
and other convenience means , which are really uncountable ?? .
Everyone must search for answers to these questions, but he also must be
very careful that many answers are given from the old times to our present
day ...
Uncountable answers, uncountable beliefs, uncountable religions ....
Some are funny, some are dangerous....
Nearly everything humble, everything solid, everything useless have been
worshipped by this clever man!! Things like cows, stones, planets,
mousse, man himself... and even anthills have been worshipped by this
clever man .... !!
But such people follow just self desires and guesses but desires and
guesses which doesn’t have any relation to truth ...!! These are just names
named by this people or their fathers!!. Some men worship figures which
they have made. Some others worship animals which they must feed...!!.
Nobody argue that our generation with all of it's advanced scientific
achievements has never done anything with exploring metaphysical
That it's impossible .....
Only in the Quraan and Hadieth we can reach such facts...
For the crucial matters I have above said, man must seriously search for
the truth. For that crucial importance of the questions above mentioned he
must find the truth....
This truth must be the truth indeed.. , not just by guessing. There must be
a definite proof and absolute evidence that it is the truth , otherwise it will
increase it's holders nothing but more and more losing .
That's the matter is extremely significant for you, it is your eternal self-
determination, it is your eternal life; before and after death. I can't find the
words to express how significant to find the truth in this context. It has the
same value for you as yourself.
Please be aware, and confident that the definite proof and the absolute
evidence on the truth is the book which was revealed from Allah
Subahnahu Wa Taa'la1
to his messenger Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi
. It's the holly Quraan..
This Quraan includes answers to everything; where man has come from,
where is he going to, why is he sent to this earthy life, what is he instructed
to do, and everything....
The Quraan is the eternal witness and absolute proof that Muhammad
Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is really the messenger sent by the Lord
Allah, Who is the only Lord, and Creator of this whole being, physical and
metaphysical. ...
The aspects of miracle of the Quraan are numerous. It is the miracle, that
nobody could match, and no one could alter since more than fourteen
centuries, that in spite of the too many enemies from inside and outside.
Although they had and have every kind of power and every form of wealth,
but they couldn’t alter the Quraan or match it.
Moreover many invaders had turned into Islam and became defenders of
the Quraan after they had come to eliminate it completely.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 143.6 كيلوبايت .
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