📘 قراءة كتاب The History of the Khalifahs أونلاين

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq 1
His name and affectionate nickname 3
His birth and early life 6
Abu Bakr was the most abstinent of men in the Jahiliyyah 7
His description 8
His acceptance of Islam 8
His companionship and expeditions 11
His bravery and that he was the bravest of the Companions 13
His spending his wealth on the Messenger of Allah and that
he was the most generous of the Companions 14
His knowledge and that he was the most knowledgeable
of the Companions and the most intelligent of them 18
His memorisation of the Q ur’an 22
That he was the most eminent of the Companions and
the best of them 23
Section 26
Those ay at which have been revealed in praise of him or
in affirmation of him or other matters concerning him 27
The hadith related on his merit coupled with cUmar, apart
from what has already been mentioned 29
The hadith related on his merit alone apart from what
has already been mentioned 33
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Hint whit h has been related from the Companions
G the right-acting early generations on his merit 40
z G 42
The hadith and ay at which indicate his khilafah, and the words of the imams on that 43
I he oath of allegiance to him 51
I hat which happened in his khilafah 59
The collection of the Qur’an 64
The things in which he was first 65
Section 68
Some examples of his forbearance and humility 68
Section 69
His final illness, his death, his last testament and his
appointment of cUmar as khalifah 69
What hadith with chains of transmission have been related
from him 77
That which is narrated from as-Siddiq in commentary
on the Qur’an 87
What is narrated from as-Siddiq of traditions which stop
short at him, sayings, judgements, khutbahs, and prayers 88
His words indicative of the strength of his fear of his Lord 100
That which is narrated from him in interpretation of dreams 101
A point of interest 102
Section 102
Section 103
cUmar ibn al-Khattab 107
The reports on his acceptance of Islam 108
His emigration 115
Ihe hadith on his merit, other than those already quoted
in the chapter on as-Siddiq 116
Sayings of the Companions and first generations on him 120
Section 123
The agreements of (the views of) cUmar (with
subsequent confirmatory revelations of Qur’an) 123
This classical work presents authentic hadith about the first four Khalifahs of Islam, may Allah be pleased with them, illustrating both the integrity and wisdom that they displayed in governance. This book also highlights their contributions to that body of practice which is known as the Sunnah.
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