📘 قراءة كتاب A Model For A Muslim Youth In the Story of Yusuf أونلاين

The story of Joseph, peace be upon him, represents the peak of
all.the Qur'anic stories with regard to its tbpical unity'and is
artistic appeal, and also with regard to tha lessons-of faith
which the story contains.
Joseph, the rig_hteous., may blessings and peace be upon him, is
an example of a patient youth who has iaised hiniself above
carnal desires and temptations of Satan. He was an example of
a da'ee youth who worked day and night in all circumstances
and conditions to raise the woids of A[ah. He took advantage
of all occasions to introduce people to the religion of Truth. Fe
also took advantage of whatAllatr traO endowed him with the
knowledge and skills for the interpretation of dreams and the
knowledge of management.
He used these skills to establish the religion of Ailah and attract
the hearts of men to it. This undoubtlyis the model of a young
Muslim that we need in our worid todav. He combinei
perseverancg and firmness, insight and undersianaing with faith
and knowledge in the dealings of life. He did this iniuch away
that people could see in Ishm the ideal code. This code i3
sufficient to solve problems in all spheres of life.
The story of Jeseph, Wace be upon him, is considered to be a
beacon for youth in particular. It contains crucial situations
showing truthfulness and chastity in the face of instinctive
motives and natural desires. Joseph, peace and blessings be
upon him, was able to stand in thi faie of temptations,-even
though all the enticing elements were present. Hb was a young
person, in a strange land, unmarried,
he was comminded
by a beautiful woman with high position calling him to herself
in total secrecy, threatening him with prison anE humiliation if
he did not do what she wanted. Wittr att these tempting
circumstances, he chose
The story of Joseph, peace be upon him, represents the peak of all. The Qur’anic stories with regard to its topical unity’ and is artistic appeal, and also with regard to the lessons of faith which the story contains.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.8 ميجا بايت .
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