📘 قراءة كتاب The Rights of NonMuslims in The Islamic World حقوق غير المسلمين في العالم الإسلامي أونلاين

The Rights of NonMuslims in The Islamic World حقوق غير المسلمين في العالم الإسلامي من Islamic Books
The Rights of NonMuslims in The Islamic World حقوق غير المسلمين في العالم الإسلامي من Islamic Books
The Rights of Non-Muslims in The Islamic World - حقوق غير المسلمين في العالم الإسلامي
المؤلف: Saleh Hussain Al-Aayed_صالح حسين العايد
الناشر: Dar Eshbelia_دار إشبيليا
These guarantees include:
First: Guaranteeing freedom of belief
Muslims believe that their religion is the right to manifest, and that what is otherwise are religions that have been distorted and copied by Islam or misinterpretations in which people have been ignorant of the reality of religion and belief.
The Muslims have worked to seduce the nations and peoples that were mixed with them to Islam, so that God gave them a visible argument and the creation of a decent and easy religion acceptable to him and does not stop the understanding of the principles of mind.
Throughout their great civilization, Muslims did not force people or individuals under their jurisdiction to apply a set of Islamic principles that established this behavior:
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