📘 قراءة كتاب Islamic Perspective on Sex أونلاين

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The author said in his introduction, Islam acknowledges the fact that one’s sexual desire
has to be satisfied. It considers fulfilling this desire a praiseworthy matter, as long as it is
done within Shari’ah limits. It is not disdainful to satisfy this desire, nor should it be neglected. He also said, In this booklet we will discuss the Islamic method of satisfying sexual desire, and how it can be transformed from a base desire into an act of worship through which a Muslim receives reward.
Islamic sexual jurisprudence is a part of Islamic family jurisprudence that concerns the Islamic laws of sexuality in Islam, as largely predicated on the Qur'an, the sayings of Muhammad (hadith) and the rulings of religious leaders' (fatwa) confining sexual activity to marital relationships between men and women. While most traditions discourage celibacy, all encourage strict chastity, modesty and privacy with regard to any relationships between genders, holding forth that their intimacy as perceived within Islam – encompassing a swath of life broader than sexual activity – is largely reserved for marriage. This sensitivity to gender difference, gender seclution and modesty outside of marriage can be seen in current prominent aspects of Islam, such as interpretations of Islamic dress and degrees of gender segregation.
In Islam, prohibitions against extramarital sex are strong and permissible marital sexual activities are familiar subjects.[1][2] Marriage and concubinage are permitted sexual relationships and they are described in Quran and Hadith as great wells of love and closeness. In these permitted relationships, there are also some limitations as well as permissions: a man should not have intercourse during his wife's menstruation and afterbirth periods. He is also considered to be sinning when penetrating anally. Contraceptive use is permitted for birth control. Actions and behaviours such as abortion (other than for medical risk to the pregnant woman)[3] and homosexuality are strictly forbidden.
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حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 452.4 كيلوبايت .
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