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Rules of Life
كتاب Rules of Life
Rules of Life كتاب Rules of Life كتاب Rules of Life
The Rules of Life
Nicholas Bate
How to be successful, realise your dreams, establish balance in your Life and be happy.
2 The Rules of Life
Life has never been more challenging: the pressures never
tougher, the demands never greater, whilst our aspirations shift
ever higher. How do we make sense of it all? How do we get
to where we want to get, without losing it all along the way?
Is there a simple idea we can use to help us
re-focus, re-invent and make it all enjoyable
Yes: the Rules of Life. You know there are rules;
you always have done, ever since you were a
child. In science there are rules e.g. Newton’s
Laws of Motion, thus: ‘to every action there is
an equal and opposite reaction’ or step out
of the rowing boat at the edge of the pond
and the boat will ‘fly’ the other way. In
relationships there are rules e.g. The Golden
Rule, thus: ‘do unto others as you would prefer
them to do unto you’ or keep being mean to
your assistant and they will leave to work for
someone else. In work there are rules, thus:
‘meet your objectives to get a good review
grade’ or mess up this quarter and you’ll
not get a bonus. And in Life there are Rules.
What is a Rule? It’s a guideline: it tells you
the consequences of your action. It helps you
get to where you want to go as efficiently and
effectively as you can. In what way? The trick
is to know the rules and then you can use
them because you can’t fight them: they are
independent of you. When you are driving a
car, for example, it’s best to work within the
local laws. If you don’t, you have problems,
and those problems might be a fine for
speeding or even losing a limb in an accident.
But within those rules there is still plenty of
scope for a great journey: you might wish to
slow down and enjoy the scenery. You might
care to journey a little faster on one stretch of
motorway and eat up some miles. It’s exactly
the same with the Rules of Life: they don’t
limit; they empower.
Read these rules on a regular basis until
you are able to ‘live & breathe’ them.
» Give them plenty of attention.
» Notice how they help.
» Follow up with more detailed reading.
The Rules of Life 3
...the trick is to know the
rules and then you can use
them..they empower.
Rules of Life
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