📘 قراءة كتاب An lnterpretation of Islam أونلاين

A book, in pdf format, by Laura Fagleri, one of the important
messages that dealt with the rapid spread of Islam, the simplicity of Islamic legislation, and talked about devotional worship and rituals in Islam
The close of the sixth and the opening of the seventh century
of the Christian era was, perhaps, the darkest period of the
Dark Ages. Religion, morals, culture, philosophy and learning
Xere all at a low ebb. Only a flicker, here and there, seemed to
emphasize the universal g:loom.
Over the Arabian Península, the darkness was at its deepest.
The absence of any form of organized government left life and
property insecure, except insofar as family and tribal pacts and
f·euds might afford respite or maintain a rough balance. The
dwellers of the península were ignorant alike of the arts of
peace and the rules of war. Rapine and brutality were the order
of the day, restrained only by notions of a rude chivalry and
hospitality and the urge of self-preservation against retributive
action by those who could muster a superior force.
Neither seer nor philosopher could have opined that healing
and salvation would come out of Arabia.
Y et that is what carne to pass. A solitary voice was, under
Divine Command, raised in Mecca, calling mento the worship of
One God and proclaiming that through responding to this call
would mankind achieve true dignity, honor, prosperity and hap-
piness both here and hereafter. That voice was the voice of
Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.
سنة النشر : 1958م / 1377هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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