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Veterinary Medicine 10th Edition من كتب طب بيطرى
Veterinary Medicine 10th Edition
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The 10th edition of this well-respected textbook continues to serve the purpose and achieve the intended goal of the publication, which is to provide a comprehensive, thorough, well-referenced, up-to-date source of knowledge on diseases affecting cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, and goats. The book is edited by 4 well-respected and experienced authors and 7 international contributors. The editors and contributors have done an extensive, critical review of the current literature to update the different sections of the book and apply evidence-based veterinary medicine.
The 5-page introduction is unique. It outlines the principles and objectives of large animal practices, and it provides the reader with a mental picture of optimal professional goals and standard practices. The introduction is followed by a small section on “how to use this book,” which focuses on developing a critical thinking process.
The textbook is divided into 2 main parts; general and special medicine. The first part consists of 15 chapters. The general and basic principles of large animal medicine are covered in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th chapters of this part. The 3rd chapter covers diseases and disorders of the newborns. The rest of the chapters discuss the different diseases and disorders that can affect each body system. Most of those chapters start with 4 key and important topics. Those are principles and manifestations of the system dysfunction, special examination of the system, as well as principles of treatment and control of the diseased organ system.
The 2nd part of this textbook consists of 21 chapters that discuss diseases based on etiology. Those include diseases associated with bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, prions, rickettsiales, algae, fungi, protozoa, helminth parasites, arthropod parasites, metabolic causes, nutritional deficiencies, physical agents, inorganic and farm chemicals, toxins in plants, fungi, cyanobacteria, clavibacteria, insects and animals, and allergy, as well as diseases associated with the inheritance of undesirable characters, and specific diseases of uncertain etiology. Each entity covers the different aspects of the individual disease process including etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, clinical pathology, necropsy findings, diagnostic confirmation, differential diagnosis treatment, and control. In addition, each disease entity begins with a helpful synopsis box that provides a brief and quick review of the disease and highlights important facts. This makes important and key information easy to find and access.
In addition to the numerous clinically relevant tables and illustrations that are embedded throughout the text, this textbook concludes with helpful tables containing conversion factors, reference laboratory values, drug doses and dosing intervals for horses, ruminants, and swine. The index is accurate and appropriately cross-referenced.
The chapters of this new edition are revised to contain current literature. Diseases associated with prions is a new chapter that has been added to this edition and this book is different from others in the marketplace in that it covers major diseases of all countries, including foreign animal and emerging diseases.
The 10th edition of this textbook marks the passing of an era, as stated in the dedication. This is the first edition of this text book that does not have Professor D.C. Blood, the originator of book, as an author or contributor. Moreover, it is the last edition under the leadership of Professor Otto M. Radostits who sadly passed away just before the publication and release of this book. Professor Radostits was a world leader in the field of veterinary literature.
This encyclopedic textbook is useful and highly recommended for undergraduate students, clinicians, lecturers, and researchers.
Articles from The Canadian Veterinary Journal are provided here courtesy of Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 99.2 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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