❞ كتاب English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary ❝

❞ كتاب English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary ❝

The aims of a course in English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary ... In addition to objectives set out for Paper I, candidates are expected to: a) show ...
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English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary

The aims of a course in English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary ... In addition to objectives set out for Paper I, candidates are expected to: a) show ...
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تعليقات القرّاء:

us Paper I (2 hrs): Poetry+Prose &/or Drama+Paper II (2 hrs): Drama+Poetry+Prose Introduction The syllabus which is here presented has been designed to lead to an examination that covers texts written in English. 1. Aims The aims of a course in English Literature leading to the award of a Secondary Education Certificate should be: a) to promote a love and appreciation of Literature and of reading in English; b) to give candidates the skills, knowledge and the opportunity to respond in writing to different types of literary texts; c) to engage candidates in exploring different cultural and historical backgrounds as evidenced in texts; d) to support the teaching of English through the interface of language and literature. 2. Assessment Objectives Paper 1 Candidates are expected to: a) answer all questions in English; b) recognise differences between prose (fiction and non-fiction), poetry and drama; c) recognise differences within a range of literary forms and purposes (e.g. biography, autobiography, narrative, sonnet, ode); d) extract meaning beyond the literal; e) explain how choice of language and other literary devices (e.g. diction, syntax, figures of speech, imagery) together with formal features (e.g. stanza and paragraph structure) can help to convey meaning. Paper IIA In addition to objectives set out for Paper I, candidates are expected to: a) show a detailed knowledge of the chosen texts as well as an understanding of plot, setting, theme, characters, form and style; b) give a personal response to the chosen works supported by both reference to and quotation from the text; c) show an awareness of the writer’s purpose and intended audience where relevant. d) show an awareness of drama as text and in performance. Paper IIB In addition to objectives set out for Paper I, candidates are expected to: a) show a general comprehension of the text including an understanding of plot, theme, setting, characters and form; b) show a personal response to the chosen works supported by reference to texts. 3. Scheme of Assessment The examination will consist of two papers of two hours’ duration each. Paper I (50% of the global mark). This paper is t

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