❞ قصة Shadows ❝ ⏤ فلاديمير كورولينكو
"Shadows" is a work by Vladimir Korolenko, with the edition you mentioned edited by Rebecca McFarland Kyle and translated by Maria K. Korolenko, a prominent Russian writer known for his deep empathy and social consciousness, often explored themes related to human suffering, social justice, and the resilience of the human spirit.
"Shadows" delves into the lives of individuals who are often overlooked by society, focusing on their inner worlds and the silent struggles they endure. The story likely follows Korolenko's typical narrative style, which combines vivid descriptions of the environment with profound psychological insight into his characters.
In this story, Korolenko might explore themes of invisibility and marginalization, using the metaphor of "shadows" to represent those who live on the fringes of society. These characters, despite being unseen or ignored by the broader community, possess rich inner lives and complex emotions. Through their stories, Korolenko sheds light on the human condition, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding.
1. **Marginalization:** The concept of being a "shadow" suggests living in the periphery, unnoticed and unacknowledged by mainstream society. Korolenko's work often focuses on such individuals, bringing their stories to the forefront.
2. **Human Resilience:** Despite their marginalized status, the characters in "Shadows" exhibit strength and resilience. Korolenko's narrative likely highlights their ability to endure and find meaning in their lives.
3. **Empathy and Compassion:** A central theme in Korolenko's work is the call for empathy. By presenting the lives of the marginalized, he urges readers to see beyond surface appearances and understand the deeper humanity in everyone.
4. **Social Injustice:** Korolenko frequently critiques societal structures that perpetuate inequality and injustice. "Shadows" likely addresses these issues, highlighting the need for social reform and greater compassion.
Korolenko's prose is known for its lyrical quality and detailed descriptions. His ability to create rich, immersive settings allows readers to fully engage with the world of his characters. His stories often blend realism with a deep emotional and psychological depth, making his characters' experiences both relatable and poignant.
"Shadows," like much of Korolenko's work, remains significant for its timeless exploration of human nature and social issues. His compassionate portrayal of marginalized individuals continues to resonate with readers, encouraging a more empathetic and just perspective on society.
The edition edited by Rebecca McFarland Kyle and translated by Maria K helps make Korolenko's work accessible to a contemporary audience, preserving the essence of his storytelling while bridging cultural and linguistic gaps.
If you have specific questions about "Shadows" or need more details, feel free to ask!
فلاديمير كورولينكو - ولد الكاتب فلاديمير غالاكتيونوفيتش كورولينكو في عائلة من أصول أوكرانية- بولونية بمدينة جيتومير الأوكرانية في الإمبراطورية الروسية، وكان والده قاضيا شهيرا يتميز بالاستقامة والنزاهة في تلك المدينة، وفي عام ١٨٧١ التحق بمعهد التكنولوجيا في بطرسبورغ، وفصلوه بعد ثلاث سنوات من الدراسة فيه بسبب اشتراكه في الحركات الطلابية واحتجاجاتها، وانتقل للدراسة في موسكو ولقي نفس المصير.
وهكذا بدأت رحلته بين المنافي وانتهت في سيبيريا لأنه رفض أداء يمين الولاء للقيصر الجديد، وعاد إلى مدينة نيزني نوفغورود عام ١٨٨٥ وبقي فيها عدة سنوات، وهناك ابتدأ طريقه الإبداعي، حيث نشر الكثير من القصص القصيرة والطويلة والروايات أهمها وأشهرها روايته الموسيقي الأعمى، التي تم طبعها ١٥ طبعة أثناء حياته وتمت ترجمتها كذلك إلى العديد من اللغات الأجنبية في حينها.
❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ قرية الله وقصص أخرى ❝ ❞ الموسيقي الأعمى ❝ ❞ طيور سمائية ووسط صحبة سيئة ❝ ❞ Новейшая русская история по В.В. Шульгину ❝ ❞ В "Заразном городке" ❝ ❞ Sofron Ivanovich ❝ ❞ Ангел Иванович Богданович ❝ ❞ Бесскелетные души ❝ ❞ История моего современника. Книга вторая. ❝ الناشرين : ❞ جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ❝ ❞ دار آفاق للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ الهيئة العامة السورية للكتاب ❝ ❞ دار المأمون للترجمة والنشر ❝ ❞ أقلام عربية للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❱
من قصص وروايات عالمية الادب العالمى - مكتبة الكتب والموسوعات العامة.