❞ قصة Les cochers de sa majeste - six nouvelles ❝ ⏤ فلاديمير كورولينكو
"Les cochers de sa majesté - six nouvelles" (translated as "The Coachmen of His Majesty - Six Stories") is a collection of short stories by Vladimir Korolenko. Each story in this collection reflects Korolenko's keen observation of society, his empathetic portrayal of characters, and his exploration of various social issues.
Summary of the Collection:
The Coachmen of His Majesty:
This titular story follows the lives of coachmen serving a high-ranking official. It delves into their daily struggles, interactions with their employer, and the social dynamics between the working class and the nobility. The story highlights the dignity and resilience of the coachmen despite their challenging circumstances.
The Murmuring Forest:
Set in the lush forests of Volhynia, this story follows a protagonist who finds solace and inspiration in the natural world. The forest, with its rustling leaves and murmuring sounds, becomes a metaphor for the eternal and ephemeral aspects of life. The protagonist's journey through the forest is both a physical and a spiritual one, reflecting on the beauty and mystery of nature.
The Mutes:
This story focuses on a community of mute individuals in a rural village. Through the eyes of an outsider protagonist, the narrative explores the unique ways in which these individuals communicate and support each other. The story emphasizes empathy, understanding, and the human need for connection.
The Blind Musician:
This story centers on Piotr Popelsky, a blind boy with a remarkable talent for music. The narrative follows his journey of self-discovery and artistic achievement, highlighting themes of resilience, the transformative power of music, and the importance of empathy and support from family and society.
The Old Bell-Ringer:
In a small village, an elderly bell-ringer reflects on his life and the changes he has witnessed over the years. The story captures the passage of time, the inevitability of change, and the enduring human spirit. Through the bell-ringer's eyes, readers gain insight into the history and traditions of the village.
A Day in Spring:
This story portrays a single day in the life of a rural community as they prepare for the arrival of spring. The narrative captures the rhythms of rural life, the beauty of nature, and the hopes and dreams of the villagers. The story is a celebration of the renewal and vitality that spring brings.
Social Justice: Many of Korolenko's stories address issues of social inequality and the struggles of the marginalized and working-class individuals. He often critiques the injustices of the social system and advocates for empathy and understanding.
Human Resilience: Korolenko's characters frequently demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Their strength and determination are central themes in his work.
Nature and Reflection: Several stories highlight the beauty and transformative power of nature. Korolenko uses natural settings as a backdrop for personal reflection and spiritual growth.
Empathy and Understanding: Korolenko emphasizes the importance of empathy and the need to look beyond surface differences to understand the humanity in everyone.
فلاديمير كورولينكو - ولد الكاتب فلاديمير غالاكتيونوفيتش كورولينكو في عائلة من أصول أوكرانية- بولونية بمدينة جيتومير الأوكرانية في الإمبراطورية الروسية، وكان والده قاضيا شهيرا يتميز بالاستقامة والنزاهة في تلك المدينة، وفي عام ١٨٧١ التحق بمعهد التكنولوجيا في بطرسبورغ، وفصلوه بعد ثلاث سنوات من الدراسة فيه بسبب اشتراكه في الحركات الطلابية واحتجاجاتها، وانتقل للدراسة في موسكو ولقي نفس المصير.
وهكذا بدأت رحلته بين المنافي وانتهت في سيبيريا لأنه رفض أداء يمين الولاء للقيصر الجديد، وعاد إلى مدينة نيزني نوفغورود عام ١٨٨٥ وبقي فيها عدة سنوات، وهناك ابتدأ طريقه الإبداعي، حيث نشر الكثير من القصص القصيرة والطويلة والروايات أهمها وأشهرها روايته الموسيقي الأعمى، التي تم طبعها ١٥ طبعة أثناء حياته وتمت ترجمتها كذلك إلى العديد من اللغات الأجنبية في حينها.
❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ قرية الله وقصص أخرى ❝ ❞ الموسيقي الأعمى ❝ ❞ طيور سمائية ووسط صحبة سيئة ❝ ❞ Новейшая русская история по В.В. Шульгину ❝ ❞ В "Заразном городке" ❝ ❞ Sofron Ivanovich ❝ ❞ Ангел Иванович Богданович ❝ ❞ Бесскелетные души ❝ ❞ История моего современника. Книга вторая. ❝ الناشرين : ❞ جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ❝ ❞ دار آفاق للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ الهيئة العامة السورية للكتاب ❝ ❞ دار المأمون للترجمة والنشر ❝ ❞ أقلام عربية للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❱
من قصص وروايات عالمية الادب العالمى - مكتبة الكتب والموسوعات العامة.