اسس تصميم الاستديو
This foundations course emphasizes contemporary
and traditional three-dimensional processes, concepts and materials, this course presents projects that are designed
to provide knowledge and understanding of three-dimensional spatial composition in art and design. Emphasis will be placed
on innovative visual communication, conceptual clarity,
problem solving skills, and critical thinking, both analytically
and creatively.
Project 1: Exploration of Symbol And Its Meaning
Apply fundamental design principles including unity,
variety, balance, rhythm, movement, economy and emphasis
to the creation of three-dimensional work.
Create design that demonstrates movement and extension in space, identifying what makes an interesting and dynamic interplay between solid and void.
Create works that articulate a clear relationship between the individual parts or elements of a three dimensional design,
and the sense of the whole, stressing unity with variety.
Make designs from a variety of materials that implement the following methods of construction: additive, subtractive, manipulative, and substitutive.
Increase sensitivity to the visual and tactile qualities
of a variety of materials. Relate these textural possibilities
to other materials using contrasting textures in the designs.
Identify, describe, analyze, and evaluate design principles
in the work of classmates, and works of art, architecture, craft, and industrial design from a variety of historical traditions.
Effectively manipulate the elements and principles
of three-dimensional design to create non-objective, abstract, and representational compositions.
Think and speak critically about personal and peer artworks and propose imaginative alternatives.
Understanding the archetypal meaning of the symbol, and translate the visual experience of a symbolic images into your personal interpretations.
Project 2 : Pop-Up Museum Store
To study, analyze, and reflect on artworks in a personal way.
Focus on your individual interest and skills, and investigate
the relationship between art & design, cultural & commercial, hand-crafted & machine produced, and original & multiple
To think about how a work of art can be reinterpreted and recreated, which relates to your interests as an artist or designer.
To experience commercial and business aspect of product development, considering market, consumer, profitability, sales and etc.
ART 304L
Spring 2014
ART 3.214 (3D foundation Studio)
Jiwon Park
[email protected]
Office Hours
M/W 12—2pm
or by appointment
ART 1.218
Unique # 21265
M/W 8am—12pm
TA: Erik Swanson
[email protected]
Unique # 21275
M/W 2—6pm
TA: Sara Madandar
[email protected]
Last day to drop a class without
a academic penalty → January 29
Last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean’s approval, drop a class → March 31
A major in the Department of Art and Art History.
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