❞ ديوان From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer ❝  ⏤ أيمن صادق

❞ ديوان From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer ❝ ⏤ أيمن صادق

Within the realm of literature, there are works that transcend the boundaries of words and meanings, seeking to communicate something far greater than their explicit expressions. "From the Song of Songs" by Ayman Sadik is one such book, where poetry becomes a vessel for hidden depths and subtle rebellion. Translated by Ahmed Gad, this collection of poems takes us on a journey beyond the confines of language, inviting us to explore the untamed potentials of expression.

From the very title, the enigma begins to unfold. The phrase "from the Song of Songs" hints at the existence of a larger narrative, beyond the poems contained within these pages. It is as if the book itself is an echo, a fragment of a greater melody. Ayman Sadik"s deliberate choice of words compels us to delve deeper, to question the limitations of language and embrace the unexpected.

In this collection, the poet confronts the inherent constraints of language, challenging the rigid structures of semantics, morphology, and syntax. Like a skilled alchemist, Sadik defies linguistic norms, forging new words and bending the rules to suit his purpose. His words become rebellious sparks, igniting the boundless realm of imagination. As readers, we are both witnesses and participants in this audacious act of linguistic deviation.

From the very opening lines, we are captivated by the poet"s defiance. He poses a simple yet profound question: "They say two... Who"s the second if it is only I and you?" This seemingly innocent inquiry disrupts our conventional understanding of the phrase "I and you," pushing us to contemplate a state of union beyond the confines of duality. It is through such linguistic playfulness that Sadik invites us to embrace the infinite possibilities of interpretation.

Throughout the collection, the poet weaves a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and desires. He unveils a world where the mundane is transformed into the extraordinary, where the familiar is infused with the essence of the unknown. With each carefully crafted verse, Sadik invites us to question the limitations of our own perceptions, urging us to explore the depths of our souls and the boundless reaches of our imagination.

As a translator, Ahmed Gad faces the challenge of capturing the essence of Sadik"s linguistic rebellion while conveying it to a different audience. The translated version becomes a bridge between two worlds, offering a glimpse into the intricate dance between meaning and deviation. Gad"s dedication to preserving the distinctiveness of the original work ensures that readers can appreciate the uniqueness and modernity of this love poetry.

"From the Song of Songs" is a testament to the power of poetry to transcend language, to rebel against the constraints of expression, and to transport us to realms where words fail but emotions thrive. It is an invitation to embrace the enchantment of linguistic deviation, to surrender to the uncharted territories of the poet"s imagination. Step into this world where rebellion hides in the subtleties of verse, and let Ayman Sadik"s words guide you on a mesmerizing journey of self-discovery and poetic liberation.
أيمن صادق -
❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer ❝ الناشرين : ❞ وكالة كنزي للنشر ❝ ❱
من كتب الادب العالمى المترجم الادب العالمى - مكتبة الكتب والموسوعات العامة.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer

2023م - 1446هـ
Within the realm of literature, there are works that transcend the boundaries of words and meanings, seeking to communicate something far greater than their explicit expressions. "From the Song of Songs" by Ayman Sadik is one such book, where poetry becomes a vessel for hidden depths and subtle rebellion. Translated by Ahmed Gad, this collection of poems takes us on a journey beyond the confines of language, inviting us to explore the untamed potentials of expression.

From the very title, the enigma begins to unfold. The phrase "from the Song of Songs" hints at the existence of a larger narrative, beyond the poems contained within these pages. It is as if the book itself is an echo, a fragment of a greater melody. Ayman Sadik"s deliberate choice of words compels us to delve deeper, to question the limitations of language and embrace the unexpected.

In this collection, the poet confronts the inherent constraints of language, challenging the rigid structures of semantics, morphology, and syntax. Like a skilled alchemist, Sadik defies linguistic norms, forging new words and bending the rules to suit his purpose. His words become rebellious sparks, igniting the boundless realm of imagination. As readers, we are both witnesses and participants in this audacious act of linguistic deviation.

From the very opening lines, we are captivated by the poet"s defiance. He poses a simple yet profound question: "They say two... Who"s the second if it is only I and you?" This seemingly innocent inquiry disrupts our conventional understanding of the phrase "I and you," pushing us to contemplate a state of union beyond the confines of duality. It is through such linguistic playfulness that Sadik invites us to embrace the infinite possibilities of interpretation.

Throughout the collection, the poet weaves a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and desires. He unveils a world where the mundane is transformed into the extraordinary, where the familiar is infused with the essence of the unknown. With each carefully crafted verse, Sadik invites us to question the limitations of our own perceptions, urging us to explore the depths of our souls and the boundless reaches of our imagination.

As a translator, Ahmed Gad faces the challenge of capturing the essence of Sadik"s linguistic rebellion while conveying it to a different audience. The translated version becomes a bridge between two worlds, offering a glimpse into the intricate dance between meaning and deviation. Gad"s dedication to preserving the distinctiveness of the original work ensures that readers can appreciate the uniqueness and modernity of this love poetry.

"From the Song of Songs" is a testament to the power of poetry to transcend language, to rebel against the constraints of expression, and to transport us to realms where words fail but emotions thrive. It is an invitation to embrace the enchantment of linguistic deviation, to surrender to the uncharted territories of the poet"s imagination. Step into this world where rebellion hides in the subtleties of verse, and let Ayman Sadik"s words guide you on a mesmerizing journey of self-discovery and poetic liberation. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

سنة النشر : 2023م / 1444هـ .
عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer

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أيمن صادق - Ayman Sadiq

كتب أيمن صادق ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ From The Song of Songs Which is to Sumer ❝ الناشرين : ❞ وكالة كنزي للنشر ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب أيمن صادق
وكالة كنزي للنشر
كتب وكالة كنزي للنشروكالة كنزي للنشر هي وكالة مصرية متخصصة في تقديم خدمات النشر ونشر الكتب ومحتوى الوسائط المتعددة تلتزم الوكالة بتعزيز التراث الثقافي الغني للمبدعين العرب (وغيرهم)، من خلال نشر أعمالهم بأي لغة (والعربية بشكل أساسي) تتمتع وكالة كنزي للنشر بسمعة متميزة في إنتاج كتب عالية الجودة ومحتوى وسائط متعددة غني بالمتعة والمعرفة يتعاون فريق الوكالة من المحررين والمصممين والمنتجين ذوي الخبرة لضمان إنتاج منشور يلبي أعلى معايير التميز.. ❰ ناشرين لمجموعة من المؤلفات أبرزها ❞ عناق افتراضي ❝ ❞ كيف تقلي بيضة! ❝ ❞ التابوت ❝ ❞ دارك ويب ❝ ❞ المنتقلون ❝ ❞ زهرة الياسمين ❝ ❞ الكتابة في عالم يحترق ❝ ❞ سراديب الذهب ❝ ❞ ليالي الغجر ❝ ❞ عابر ❝ ❱.المزيد.. كتب وكالة كنزي للنشر