📘 قراءة كتاب FLOOR TILE INSTALLATION أونلاين

تركيب السيراميك
تأليف: egyptsystem
Interceramic tile installation requires following up mandatory rules according to ANSI A 108,
ANSI A118 Y ANSI A136: “American National Standard Specifications for the installation of
Ceramic Tile and Glass Tile.
The applicable ANSI specifications for ceramic tile installed with:
• Portland Cement Mortar
• Dry-set or latex Portland cement mortar
• Organic Adhesive
• Epoxy adhesive
• Chemical resistant furan mortar and grout
• Modified epoxy emulsion mortar
• ANSI specifications for the installation of ceramic tile grouts
Should be a part of the project specification by reference or by copying the applicable parts of the
ANSI specifications and including into the ceramic tile section of a project specification. In either
case, augment the ANSI specification and modify the specific project conditions.
Installation on interior
Any kinds of Interceramic floor tiles are recommended as suitable for installation on wall and/or floor
(traffic areas). Interceramic wall tile (water absorption 15-20%) shall be installed only on walls
because it is low resistant to traffic wearing.
Installation on exterior
On exterior, use only tile recommended by Interceramic as suitable for the climatic conditions of the
All Interceramic porcelain tiles & glass tiles can be installed on exteriors, for HD floor tile contact
Interceramic rep to specify if some specific HD product can be installed on freeze/thaw exteriors
For wall tile, Interceramic does not recommend to install on freeze /thaw exteriors because it has
high water absorption (15 – 20%), as a result there is risks of surface cracking or break away from
Installation on Pools
(a) Pool ́s walls
Porcelain,HDfloortile,walltile(fieldandtrim) &glasstilesaresuitabletoinstalloninterior pool
where temperature is controlled on winter seasons ,.
For exterior pools Porcelain & glass tiles are only suitable to install on pool ́s wall; for
HD floor tile contact Interceramic rep to evaluate which product is suitable to install on
severe winter weather.
(b) Pool ́s inside floor
Interceramic recommends installing only porcelain and HD floor tile for interior pools. For
exterior pools only porcelain tile is suitable to install.
(c) Floor tile around pools
It is mandatory to install only floor tile with DCOF value equal or greater than 0.42
3.0 Guide for referencing American National Standard
specifications for installation of ceramic tile.
Description Method Reference Method
I. Portland Cement Mortar Bed:
II. Thin-Set Installations:
A. Ceramic tile set on a mortar bed which is still
workable (Wet-Set Method). See Note.
B. Ceramic tile set on a cured mortar bed with
dry-set or latex-portland cement mortar.
C. Ceramic tile set on a mortar bed by either
of the above methods. Industry practice has
resulted in a large majority of mortar bed
installations being installed according to ANSI
A108.1B. It is reasonable and economical to
give the tile contractor the option to choose
either method, each of which are recognized
in the industry as equivalent methods for walls,
ceilings, and floors.
D. Tile set with organic adhesive or epoxy
adhesive on smooth, sound interior surfaces.
E. Tile set with dry-set portland cement mortar
or latex-portland cement mortar on prepared
concrete, masonry, cementitious backer units,
or other cementitious underlayment and backer
units certified by the manufacturer as suitable for
intended use.
F. Tile set with modified epoxy emulsion mortar.
G. Tile set on prepared Exterior or Exposure
1 plywood with EGP (Exterior Glue Plywood)
latex-portland cement mortar certified by the
manufacturer as suitable for intended use.
ANSI A108.1A - Installation of Ceramic Tile
in the Wet-Set Method with Portland Cement
ANSI A108.1B - Installation of Ceramic Tile on
a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed
with Dry-Set or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar.
ANSI A108.1C - Contractors Option: Installation
of Ceramic Tile in the Wet-Set Method
with Portland Cement Mortar or Installation of
Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement
Mortar Setting Bed with Dry-Set or Latex
Portland Cement Mortar.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 856.7 كيلوبايت .
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