📘 قراءة كتاب قاموس هندسى عربى انجليزى أونلاين

قاموس هندسى عربى انجليزى
aeronautical engineering n (designing and building of aircraft) هندسة طيران
John had a successful career in aeronautical engineering.
aeronautical engineering n (science of designing and building aircraft) علم هندسة الطيران
Sarah is studying aeronautical engineering at university.
aerospace engineering n (engineering aircraft and spacecraft) هندسة الفضاء
Advances in aerospace engineering have made planes lighter and able to travel longer distances.
automotive engineering n (design of automotive systems and products) هندسة محركات
The new hybrid vehicle is a marvel of automotive engineering.
chemical engineering n (use of chemistry in industry) هندسة كيميائي
The company uses chemical engineering to produce innovative food products from raw materials.
civil engineering n (design and building of structures) هندسة مدنية
The construction of buildings, roads and bridges is all part of civil engineering.
college of engineering n (school: teaches engineering) كلية الهندسة
Irene is studying at the college of engineering.
engineering school n (institution where engineering is taught) كلية الهندسة
genetic engineering n (manipulation and reproduction of genes) الهندسة الوراثية
highway engineering n (development of motorways) هندسة الطرق العامة
تأليف: elazhary2050
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