📘 قراءة قصة The Three Little Pigs أونلاين

Children love stories. It’s true!
And every child enjoys it for different reasons – be it travelling to magical worlds, learning new concepts, going on adventures, etc.
With stories, the possibilities are truly limitless!
Your child can join Tintin as he travels the world, solves mysteries and nabs crooks; your child can study at Hogwarts and learn about life through the magical world of Harry Potter; your child can go back in time and become an active participant at Akbar’s court.
Perhaps the best way to help a child explore, express, understand emotions, problems, problem-solving, habits, and much more is via stories.
The list goes on!
RELATED: Storytelling – 17 Incredible Ways To Tell Great Stories To Your Child
Be it a quick bedtime tale or a grandma fable, each story helps a child enter a completely different magical and imaginative world that has no boundaries.
Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood – These are some of the most popular fairy tales of all time and the best part about these stories is that there are so many different versions which lets you revisit the same story in different manners.
Aesop’s Fables – Aesop’s Fables is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE.
Grimm’s Fairy Tales – Also known as the Children’s and Household Tales, this is a collection of fairy tales first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm.
Horror Stories For Kids
Life isn’t always about rainbows and butterflies. Some children enjoy the occasional scares, ghosts and chills down the spine. The stories are written in a simple and effective manner. If your child is bored of the regular happy ending fairy tales, then this could be a new genre to try.
As children see themselves are protagonists, and later enact out these stories, horror stories teach children to be powerful, face their fears and defeat evil. Here are some good horror stories and books –
The Three Little Pigs
The story of The Three Little Pigs featured here has been adapted from different sources and from childhood memory. The primary sources are English Fairy Tales, retold by Flora Annie Steel (1922) with illustrations by L. Leslie Brooke from the 1904 version. This story is featured in our Favorite Fairy Tales and Children's Stories.
An illustration for the story The Three Little Pigs by the author
Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them. So when they were old enough, she sent them out into the world to seek their fortunes.
The first little pig was very lazy. He didn't want to work at all and he built his house out of straw. The second little pig worked a little bit harder but he was somewhat lazy too and he built his house out of sticks. Then, they sang and danced and played together the rest of the day.
The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. It was a sturdy house complete with a fine fireplace and chimney. It looked like it could withstand the strongest winds.
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